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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Healthcare Paper: The Circle Of Caring Model

Essay Instructions:

What are the unique qualities of the Circle of Caring Model and how is it different from holistic nursing theories and biomedical nursing? Support your discussions with examples and reference with evidence-based research.

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Healthcare Paper Author Name Institution Affiliation What are the unique qualities of the Circle of Caring Model and how is it different from holistic nursing theories and biomedical nursing? Support your discussions with examples and reference with evidence-based research The Circle of Care Model aims to show how social and behavioral changes can help improve the quality of care (Lexa, 2017). For this purpose, healthcare experts are urged to work together on short-term or long-term projects. They do so to ensure the timely and consistent delivery of services (Downing, 2018). One of the most important qualities of the Circle of Care Model is that it ensures the provision of top-notch care to patients. Another quality is that it provides a chance to doctors, nurses and other staff members to sit together and discuss work. Without the Circle of Care Model, it will never be possible for doctors and nurses to provide great services to their patients. For example, unlike doctors, nurses have to deal with multiple emergency cases every day, ...
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