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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Inter-Professional Collaboration Skills of a Multidisciplinary Team

Essay Instructions:

Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration:

The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members. What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals? Why is this important to know and understand? Who benefits? Who are the stakeholders. Support your work with examples and evidence-based research.

Paper Requirements!!! See Table requirement detail include the papers.

Your writing should: have 2 Pages included introduction, body and conclusion. MUST have 3 references within 3 years and in US only

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the description carefully (as displayed above);

  • Utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

  • use APA 6th Edition format.

Table requirement detail include the papers





Multidisciplinary Teams

Discuss the roles of a nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team and understand the roles, skills and values of all team members.


Discussed the importance of interprofessional collaboration, who are the stakeholders and who benefits

Format/Style and support with evidence-based research

APA format with 3 or more supporting evidence-based resources 3 years or less and comprehensive examples

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Paper
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Institution Affiliation
A multidisciplinary team is a group of healthcare experts (surgeons, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, and others) who have different specializations but work together to accomplish certain health-related tasks. Their core responsibility is to provide quality services to patients of all age groups (Housley, 2017). In this paper, I will talk about the role of nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team. Then I will discuss the importance of inter-professional collaboration.
The roles of a nurse practitioner in a multidisciplinary team and the roles, skills, and values of all team members
While working with the members of a multidisciplinary team, the first role a nurse practitioner has to play is that she should act politely and humbly. There is no room for arrogance or rudeness, and the nurse practitioner should be ready to act upon the advice of her seniors, as they are there to help her improve with time. Also, the nurse practitioner will be required to serve multiple patients at a time, and this is possible only if she is competitive enough to take risks and to face challenges. As far as the roles, skills, and values of other team members are concerned, I think that everyone should show sincerity and honesty to the work. For example, psychiatrists, who are a part of the interdisciplinary team, should provide consoling services to their clients regularly. Similarly, if a doctor is tasked to operate two to three patients per day, then it becomes their responsibility to complete the job on time. Just like the nurse practitioner, all members of the interdisciplinary team are valuable assets of the hospital. Every single person, whether he is a ward boy, a surgeon or a junior nurse, has to work hard during working hours and must provide patients with quality care. This is the only way the hospital can generate more revenues, and more and more patients can recover from illnesses at a fast speed.
The importance of int...
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