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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Hearing & Eye Age-Related Diseases Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

-Define presbycusis, name signs and symptoms, etiology and differential diagnosis.

-Create 3 interventions-education measures with a patient with Presbycusis.

-List, define and elaborate on three different retinal and macular diseases age-related.

Essay should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

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1 Define presbycusis, name signs and symptoms, etiology, and differential diagnosis.
Presbycusis is an age-related disease that is usually seen between fifty-five and sixty-five years old. It is a progressive disease that causes progressive, high-frequency hearing loss. Often, both ears are affected due to the central affectation (sensorineural hearing loss). All of these three are diagnostic of the disease. Its signs and symptoms include difficulty in hearing high-pitch sounds, difficulty in distinguishing background noise, mumbled voices when heard, preference to a male than a female voice, and tinnitus (Parham & Kost, 2017).
The pathophysiology of presbycusis is based on the genetic predisposition of an individual. However, presbycusis is also a true sensorineural hearing loss which means that it cannot transmit the sound into electrical signals to the brain. Here, the cochlear hair cells and ganglion cells of the cranial nerve eight are affected. The degeneration of the temporal bone has also been implicated, where it damages the nerve fibers and ganglion cells, leading to cumulative damage (Deschler, 2020). Its differential diagnoses include Meniere disease, ear trauma, noise exposure, autoimmune disease, genetically-inherited hearing loss, perilymph fistula, malignancy of the inner ear, otosclerosis, metabolic dysfunction, and exposure to ototoxic agents (Cheslock & De Jesus, 2020).
2 Create three interventions-education measures with a patient with Presbycusis.
Firstly, patients with presbycusis should avoid being exposed to noisy areas. It should be also be done by older individuals who are predisposed to incurring the disease. They should also put effort into preventing incurring hypertension, diabetes, and other heart diseases because these have been found to damage the cochlear hair cells, which is the primary pathophysiology behind presbycusis (Wang & Puel, 2020). Secondly, hearing-assistive devices will be provided for these will help the patient hear better. The devices include hearing-aids, noise amplifiers, and the use of technology that converts the speech into text. The last one is especially helpful during l...
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