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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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MAP-IT Framework Applied to Public Health Programming

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - Case

Case Assignment

For this assignment, use the same public health problem you identified in Module 1 SLP.

1. Identify which organization in the community would be better fit to lead the strategic planning to address the public health problem you identified in SLP 1. In your explanation, be sure to refer to the organization’s mission and vision.

2. Then, pick one health program that the organization is offering; examine its program’s goals and objectives; and describe how they align with the organization’s mission and vision statements.

3. Develop your own program goal and objectives and describe how they align with the organization’s mission and vision statements.

4. Select and explain the core competencies demonstrated by a public health professional in this phase of program planning.

Length: 3 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list. Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance

assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it

before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these

Assignment Expectations.

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The ANTHC is a non-profit health organization intended for Alaskan tribes that aims to help in providing health services, prevention for injury and diseases, health promotion, and construction of rural water and sewage. Their vision focuses on the idea of Alaskan Native people being the healthiest people globally. This health organization is responsible for the statewide management of Alaskan tribe health services in meeting their unique health needs. This organization provides services to both Alaska Native and American Indian people who experience significant health disparities among the American population. To provide world-class health services, ANTHC partnered with various Tribal health organizations listed under the Alaskan Tribal Health System. Health services provided include wellness programs, access to medical services comprehensively at the Alaska Native Medical Center, disease prevention as well as research, and providing training to rural areas and constructing water and sanitation systems (anthc.org, n.d.).
Among other health organizations that can address the health problems of this population, this tribal health organization is a better fit in leading the strategic plan for this minority group. Knowing the health disparities, the vision of this organization also serves as their guiding principle. This health organization envisions that Alaska Native people, as well as the Tribal health system, can become health leaders. This vision is rooted in the culture and strength of this minority group. To lead the strategic plan, this organization is equipped with tools needed for mental, physical, and community health to promote awareness and implement programs and policies for this group. Furthermore, their mission mainly focuses on giving health services of high quality while partnering with the people as well as the whole Alaska Tribal Health System. This organization can effectively lead strategic planning, as illustrated in its vision and mission.
One of the health programs implemented by ANTHC as health advocacy is the Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Program. This program is about providing free health insurance as provided by the Tribes and Tribal health organizations for the qualified Alaska Native and American Indian people. This program is funded through the collaboration of tribes and Tribal organizations. When any Tribal health facilities refer the qualified people, these people would not have to pay anything such as co-payments and deductibles since the ANTHC covers their health insurance at a premium cost. By availing of such health insurance, Alaska Native and American Indian people can get access to the medical care that they need, whether they are travelling or being away f...
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