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Map-IT Framework as Applied to Public Health Programming

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP
1. Using all of the information you have gathered so far in regard to your community and public health issue, develop a logic model for your proposed program. Make sure to read the required readings on logic model development.

2. Describe where the development of logic model fits in the MAP-IT framework.

3. Discuss why it is important to have a logic model in program planning.

Length: 3 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Map-IT Framework as Applied to Public Health Programming 
MAP-IT (Moblize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track) framework is an important step-by-step model of developing healthy communities. A logic model fits into the development of the logic model because it helps identify the problem (Chapter 2, 2020). The logic model outlines a problem within a community and the MAP-IT helps implement a plan to address the needs of the identified community. For example, in the logic model, the population targeted is Native Americans where an increase of diabetic cases seems to occur. The logic model shows the problem, root causes, and data to explain the root causes (Community, 2010). When public health professionals look at the logic model, it becomes a guide on how to implement a plan of action to address the identified issues. 
A MAP-IT comprises of steps to develop the plan, which requires time, effort, and a ‘mapped out’ path to address the community problem. While there is no right way to develop the MAP-IT, public health officials often mobilize individuals and groups that care about the issue facing the community (Chapter 2, 2020). The greatest needs facing the community are assessed based on the guidance of the logic model (Community, 2010). Using the logic model provides a clear way of what challenges the community needs to address. An approach to reach the vision is developed for the community and strategies put in place to help achieve the objectives. The specific process that MAP-IT to address the problem identified in the logic model can include the following. 
Mobilize: MAPT-IT begins with mobilization of individuals and organizations to create a collaboration that makes it easier to find resources necessary for addressing the problem. For example, in addressing the problem of diabetes within the Native American community, key stakeholders would be involved (Office, 2018). The stakeholders would include patients, families, physicians, non-profit organizations, and local government agencies. 
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