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Healthcare Informatics: EHR Applications for the Outpatient Setting

Essay Instructions:

Today's healthcare environment is comprised of teams of professionals working toward common goals. When the organization sets a goal, there is generally a project to launch and support the goal to its completion. Health informatics professionals are participants and leaders in projects involving the implementation of new technologies or in the training and maintenance that will take place after the technologies are in place. A project such as the adoption of an electronic health record (EHR) across a healthcare system takes significant planning, strong leadership, and the ability to manage change in the environment. Informatics professionals need to be skilled in all of the aspects of project management, including its evaluation and ongoing revisions, as the organization grows into everyday usage of the new technologies.

For this task, you will read the attached “EHR Project Management Team.”
Note: Responses to the tasks listed should be completed in an essay format (suggested length of 5–6 pages), with descriptions given to clarify conceptual understanding.
A. Examine elements of the vendor selection process by doing the following:
1. Justify how a cost-benefit analysis will help to focus the vendor selection process.
2. Discuss the difference between a request for information and request for proposal.
a. Explain why one might be preferred.
b. Explain why both may be used.
3. Identify the elements included in writing a request for proposal.
a. Determine who would be the contact person for gathering information on each element.
4. Discuss how you would establish a good working relationship with vendors and company representatives involved in the selection process for new technology.

B. List four functional electronic health record (EHR) applications needed by clinical end-users in the acute care setting.
1. Describe how each application may be used.
2. Identify specific human resources needed in the acute care setting to facilitate implementation of new technology, including training needs.
3. Discuss one strategy that might be used when introducing new technology to enable it to interoperate with old technology in the acute care setting.

C. List three functional electronic health record (EHR) applications needed by clinical end-users in the outpatient setting.
1. Explain how each functional electronic health record (EHR) application may be used.
2. Identify specific human resources needed in an outpatient setting to facilitate implementation of new technology.

D. Compare two models being used today in health information exchanges.
1. Describe benefits to developing health information exchanges.
2. Describe current challenges impacting more widespread implementation of health information exchanges.

E. Explain three factors to be considered by an organization in providing a personal health record to patients.
1. Identify two businesses or organizations outside of the scenario offering a personal health record service.
2. Identify three qualities of a personal health record which should be determined before its adoption.

F. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.
Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Informatics
Student’s Name
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Health Informatics
One of the challenges that organizations face while adopting EHR is an unclear comprehension of the return on investment of the ROI (Darkins, 2008). Despite the fact that the adoption of EHR is helped organizations to offset some of its significant costs, many organizations would not adopt EHRs without having a very clear ROI. Performing a cost-benefit analysis will help estimate and totals the equivalent money value of the expenses and benefits of the project, and thus the decision to continue with it or not is made.
Generally, the request for information is utilized when one thinks they know exactly what they want but still need more information from vendors. On the other hand, request for proposal is e use of when a person knows they have a problem but do not know how they should solve the problem. When an organization wants to determine the type of EHR that will fit into the organization, the proposed a request for information to all the potential vendors. After the reviewing of the RFI, a request for proposals is issued to vendors accompanied by a product that is suitable for the entire organization. The RFI is sent to a couple of vendors who are renowned for offering the kind of products and systems which meet the needs of the organization. Besides, the RFI can be used to prescreen vendors and to provide general information about a product. All the responses provided to an RFI can be utilized for shortening the scope of the vendors who are later invited to act on the request for proposal.
It may not be necessary for an organization to choose an RFI when the project team is conversant with the products that are required and the vendors to approach for the same goods. Especially when the project falls in the team’s field of expertise or if the organization has had previous relationships with the same vendors for other previous projects. For instance an EHR consultant.
The two can be used by organizations in case the organization knows what they want to do but they still need to consult the vendors (Eysenbach, 2009). In this case, the project management team for the implementation of EHR can adopt the two if, they want to do it right and at the same time follow all the procurement rules for accountability. The two RFI and RFP may be used when the project team is completely unfamiliar with the products presented or when they are considering making a massive purchase, for example, electronic health record.
Adequate time should be spent on preparing and organizing a proper quality request for a proposal document so that it yield positive results and one that will help eliminate all chances of wasting time during the sourcing process (Eysenbach, 2009). A good request for proposal should contain the following elements.
- Introductions
- The scope of the project and the respective requirements.
- The process of the project
- Pricing
- Timelines
The contact person for the introduction element for a request for a proposal should be the project manager (Eysenbach, 2009). He will provide details about the company and the reason it is requesting for a proposal. He will also indicate that the project wants to adopt an EHR system that will be useful to the patients of the organization as well as the organization at large.
The sales manager will be the suitable contact person for the processing element. The sales manager will plan for a brief meeting which should preferably be a face-To-face meeting which will be for the purpose of revising all quotes and negotiating on the prices and other contract clauses (Eysenbach, 2009). Timelines are set up by the suppliers, while the pricing strategy is outlined by the project manager. All the elements of RFP should be properly covered although not in any specific order.
Good relationships are the backbone of the operations of every business and the success of their respective projects (Eysenbach, 2009). It is the role of an organization’s employer to promote great relationships between the suppliers and the employees of the organization. This can be done by:
- Appreciating the role of each and every supplier in which an organization works with.
- The expectations should be concise and clear from the outset.
- The company’s representatives should be allowed to educate the suppliers concerning the organization.
- The employers can also encourage sessions of brainstorming between the employees and the suppliers so as to come up with more innovative ways concerning the implementation if the new technology.
The following are the functional application required by the clinical end-users in acute care setting:
- Prescribing
- The Bar Code-Medication Administration Records (BC-MAR)
- Entering orders from the various charts
- The Clinical Decision Support (CDS)
Prescribing is normally used to send medication to the pharmacy and at the same time monitoring the interactions with other medications and some several other features according to the EHR products selected by the organization. The BC-MAR is a bar code system that is used for administering drugs to the patients (Eysenbach, 2009). The ability to enter and submit orders through the HER help the labs and tests to be connected directly to all the patients’ charts and the results are put automatically after the service has been performed.
Some of the human resource required in the acute care setting to ensure the implementation of the new technology comprise of “Super users” from every department that has some more training as compared to the “end users” together with the technology been adopted (Gustafson, 2002).
The best strategy that can be employed in the combination of the new technology with the existing one in health care settings is to utilize how a common technology is used and at the same time incorporate it into...
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