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Cure for Geriatric Patients of 55 Years and Beyond Admitted With Osteoarthritis

Essay Instructions:

Practice Proposal Using the developed PICOT question, each learner may assume that one has the time, personnel and finances to carry out evidence based practice change research. The competed literature review may be incorporated into the proposal; but the number of reviewed articles should be increased to 5 articles. The learner will draw up a formal research plan with a theoretical foundation to change practice (8-10 pages). All items that contribute to rigor of a study are to be included in the proposal. The proposal must follow APA format, including title page, abstract, c PICOT Question:

“For geriatric patients of 55 years and beyond admitted with osteoarthritis [OA], does the use of hip and leg strengthening exercises programs together with pharmacotherapy, compared to the use of pharmacotherapy alone, improve in the management of OA by relieving pain, contraction and stiffness, during three months of rehabilitation?”

See grading rubric.

Practice Proposal Rubric

1. Research question or Clinical Problem: Meets PICOT standard and is well articulated with mutually supported elements connected to literature 5 (pts)

2. Introduction 10 points: Connects problem to the literature. Logically leads to question. Significance and “so what” is clear (10 pts)

3. Significance: Clearly expressed potential for benefit or change in practice (5 pts)

4. Theoretical or conceptual framework 5 points Clearly supports intervention. Selection is logical and supports rigor. (5 pts)

5. Literature Review 10 point: Uses five peer reviewed, primary sources. Integrates critical and logical details. Clearly supports variables. Without bias. (10 pts)

6. Describes design of study 5 points: Design is supportive and coherent. Threats to validity are reduced. (5 pts

7. Describes the sample 10 points: comparison) identified and described. Reasonable and realistic. (10 pts)

8. Describes informed consent/protection of subjects 5 points: Aspects of Protection of human subjects identified. Informed consent appropriately identified. Proposed methods for seeking permissions discussed (5 pts)

9. Describes evidence based intervention plan 15 points: Intervention clearly defined. Supported by literature. Safety factors and integration of participants considered. Practical and based on evidence (15 pts)

10. Describe data collection and analysis methods 5 points: Manageable, coherent, and powerful for generating valid and reliable data. (5 pts)

11. Identify strengths and limitations 10 points: Demonstrates clear understanding of proposed design. Promotes improved replication. Supports rigor. (10 pts)

12. APA format 5 points: Follows APA guidelines consistently (5 pts)

13. Grammar, syntax, organization 10 points: Organized. Reader is clear about proposal. Flows from step to step in coherent, logical fashion. (10 pts)

Please this are the articles already being used on the PICOT question and the literature review, please add three additional primary sources articles to develop the proposal. see rubric.

Literature review articles:

A. Bhatia, D., Bejarano,T., & Novo, M. (2013). Current interventions in the management of knee osteoarthritis. J Pharm Bioallied Sci., 5(1), 30–38. Doi: 10.4103/0975-7406.106561

b. Palo, N., Chandel,S.S., Dash, S., Arora,G., Kumar,M.,& Biswal,M.R. (2015). Effects of Osteoarthritis on Quality of life in Elderly Population of Bhubaneswar, India. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil, 6(4), 269–275. Doi: 10.1177/2151458515604357

FYI: Please follow the examples downloaded please. My regards.

Please notified my writer to incorporate the literature review on the proposal, but develop

it further with the three additional articles base on the research question area.

Articles should be 5 years older and above

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cure for Geriatric Patients of 55 Years and Beyond Admitted With Osteoarthritis [OA]
Osteoarthritis is characterized with continuous joint disease that has got no proper or designated treatment but it can be managed. Osteoarthritis condition is one of the top five disabling conditions that mostly affect individuals who are 55 years of age. Different studies have shown that an average of 30 million Americans is now being affected with this chronic condition. There is another research that has shown that almost 100 million people are suffering from osteoarthritis in the whole world. The disease can be managed through processes that are geared towards the management of the pains, contraction and stiffness. This paper will be focusing on different exercises and treatment procedure. To be specific, this paper will be concentrating on both pharmacological and non-pharmacological procedures. This paper will also be comparing the effectiveness of combining both pharmacological and non-pharmacological procedures, as well as using only pharmacological alone.
Introduction (Background)
According to Bhatia, Bejarano & Novo (2013), Osteoarthritis is described as a degenerative condition of the joint that normally result in the continuous reduction of particular cartilage, synovial inflammation, osteophyte formation, and a subchondral bone sclerosis. Osteoarthritis is among the most common chronic diseases that do affect elderly persons who are 55 years and above. According the previous researches, it is estimated that 6% of adults who are 55 years have experienced symptomatic of knee arthritis and approximately 3% have experienced symptoms of arthritis of hip. According to experts, prevalence of osteoarthritis is normally expected to increase as one is aging. Elderly persons are experiencing difficulties in walking mostly because of hip and knee osteoarthritis. The prevalence of osteoarthritis has led to the huge negative impact in the growth of economy. This is because those who are suffering from this condition will more often than not are not able to perform their duties as expected and as a matter of fact they will spend most of their income in the treatment of osteoarthritis. In severe conditions, individuals who are having osteoarthritis will opt for early retirement from work. In addition to that it is also projected by the experts by that one million of hip replacements are performed in different hospital across the world. In the United States alone, it was also estimated that between the year 1995 and 2020, another 19 million Americans will be affected by arthritis. This paper will provide an insightful review of osteoarthritis in the hips and knees joints. It is important to note that Osteoarthritis is a disorder that is related to the aged persons and its possible cure.
Objectives and Purpose of the Study
The study was carried out with a view of finding out if the use leg strengthening exercises programs used together with the Pharmacotherapy in comparison with the use of only Pharmacotherapy will improve the management of Osteoarthritis by relieving pain, contraction and stiffness, during the three months of rehabilitation. This study will also be significant for the elderly person who are normally being admitted to different hospitals across the world especially in the United States with osteoarthritis of knees and hips, to know which type of cure would quite effective in correcting the condition of arthritis.
The following are some of the objectives of the study that was conducted:
1.Which physical changes are associated with the person suffering from the osteoarthritis?
2.How long does it take to cure geriatric patients who are 55 years and above using hip and leg lengthening together with pharmacotherapy?
3.How long would it take for the geriatric patients who are 55 years and above using pharmacotherapy only?
Research Question and/ or Hypothesis
Geriatric patients of 55 years and above and admitted with Osteoarthritis: Between the Use of Hip and Leg Strengthening exercises programs together with the Pharmacotherapy and the use of pharmacotherapy alone, which option will be effective in the management in the Osteoarthritis by relieving pain, contraction and stiffness during the three months of rehabilitation?
Theoretical Framework
Widely thinking the framework of this study is concerned with which form of treatment can be used in the treatment or relieving the pain of osteoarthritis patients. The concept of this study nevertheless, is more specific in its focus on the increase of prevalence of osteoarthritis among the elderly persons living in the United States and the rest of the world. It is based on the idea that by using both of the pharmacotherapy and enhancing muscle strengthening that will improve the bones both at the hips and knees. The theory that will be tested in this study will be based on the use of hip and leg strengthening exercise programs.
Definitions of key terms that were used in the study
Significance of the study that is specific to the discipline in the following three areas:
In the education discipline, this study will enlighten medicine students on the methods for curing or helping patients with osteoarthritis. New physicians whether students or newly employed physicians can get basic knowledge about the benefits of encouraging osteoarthritis patients to attend leg strengthening exercise programs as a way for relieving the pain in hip and knee joints.
Clinical Research
Medical practitioners like nurses, doctors and physicians will begin to use both of leg strengthening and pharmacotherapy in helping geriatric patients who are over 55 years of age admitted in different rehabilitation centers across the country in relieving the pain from osteoarthritis of hips and knees joints. Medical practitioners will also be able to educate their patients on the best practices for avoiding cases of osteoarthritis among adults.
This study will provide proper ground for the researchers to find for better ways of dealing with cases of osteoarthritis among the elderly persons.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The results of this research will reach a wide scope of medical practitioners such as physicians, nurses, doctors and even pharmacists. The results of this research will also be used by the medical students that will be interested in working with the elderly persons. Currently, this research is focused on those patients or adults who are 55 years and cannot walk properly because they are feeling pains in their hips and knees joints. Some of limitations of the study are mostly economically based, for instance, limited resources like cash for carrying out proper research. The other possible limitation of the research is based on the safety measures that should be there to ensure researchers are safe. The other possible limitation o f the study is based on the accessibility to various rehabilitation centers.
Literature Review
The literature review will be based on the aging theory, according to Botwinic (2013) aging is not genetically inherited and it is not an adaptation. Palo et al (2013) is of the opinion that as an individual is aging, individuals are developing walking problems due to arthritis. When preparing for the study; the researchers must first consult two primary sources of research. Osteoarthritis is a continuous disease that is mostly associated with joint inflammation and bone repair and it is among the top five rated disabling conditions. This study will be looking into the possible interventions that can be applied in the relieving pains in the hip and knees joints. The researcher consulted two different articles; the first one was about the “current interventions that are being used in the management of knee osteoarthritis.” By Bhatia, Bejarano and Novo (2013). The article that was used in the study is called “Osteoarthritis Treatment,” by Arthritis Foundation. By reviewing the first article, the researchers seemed to have taken great care by ensuring that the size of the sample was quite appropriate by finishing pre-study. Some of the findings by the researchers showed that Osteoarthritis can be properly managed by combination of both physical exercises of leg s...
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