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Obesity 4 Homework 1: Health And Weight Management

Essay Instructions:

Read the following (required):
Module Notes:
The Social Problems Framework The Nine Fallacies
Now watch the following video clips:
The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 1): https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=h0zD1gj0pXk The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 5): https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Of-qvDprr0w
Now Answer the following questions
1.    Based on both the Module Notes and the videos, explain how obesity could be viewed as both a personal problem and a social problem.
2.    What difference does the distinction between obesity as a personal problem versus a social problem make in understanding the causes and consequences of this problem?
3.    To what extent do you perceive obesity to be a personal problem or a social problem? Why?
4.    Illustrate each of the nine fallacies by showing how each can be used to "explain” obesity.
5.    Identify the social scientific research method you think is best for studying obesity, and explain why you think it is the best method for studying this topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Obesity can be viewed as a personal problem relative to the fact that, one health and weight management efforts are largely personal responsibilities. This is to mean that people should take the steps to ensure that they are able to manage their energy balance relative to what they eat and the way that disperse the energy in their bodies (UCTVPrime, 2012). Take dietary measures and sexercising are some of the measures that an individual can take to make sure they are not obese. Obesity is also a social problem relative to the environment that individuals find themselves. Ideally, when people are exposed to processed foods, fasts foods and a working environment that does not allow them the time to prepare and eat quality meals, there are high chances they will be exposed to obesity given that they are constantly eating unhealthy foods and have less time to exercise (UCTVPrime, 2012).
Being a personal problem, obesity is caused by factors that are largely determined by the individual. This is to mean that the personal choices that the individual makes on a daily basis affect the amount of energy that they store. Watching what one eats and exercising are conscious steps that an individual can take to make sure they maintain balance of the energy they store in the body and avoid obesity. On the other hand, obesity is a social problem relative to considering that the work environment and the food industry are contributing factors to the amount of energy stored in the body. The people rarely have enough to prepare quality meals as they are too busy with the life activities. At the same time the foods offered which can go with the short periods that people have to rest are high on calories. There is also almost no tome to exercise given the busy schedules.
Obesity is largely a personal problem that it is a social problem. This is relative to the fact that, choices of the foods to eat are personal. While the individual may not have time to exercise, they have a variety of foods that they can take, which are healthy (UCTVPrime, 2012). ...
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