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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Ending the U.S. HIV Epidemic within Ten Years

Essay Instructions:

Case Assignment
Please search the Trident Online Library and the web for a recent health promotion program of your choice in the U.S.
Then answer these questions:
1. What was the goal of this program? Why was it an important goal?
2. Did the planners attempt to change both behavior and environment? Please explain.
3. How were objectives of the health promotion plan established?
4. What were the strategies and the interventions?
Would you have done anything differently?
5. Did the planners think about the future evaluation of the program? Was this appropriate?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Promotion Program
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Ending the U.S. HIV Epidemic within Ten Years
HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. According to an article published by Alex Azar, since the 1980s, a large number of people have lost their lives because of this illness. Up to 35 million individuals are living with HIV worldwide, and more than 40 percent of them are women. It has also been found that HIV/AIDS is more common in Americans than people living in any other developed country in the world. Keeping in mind the seriousness of the issue, President Donald Trump has recently proposed a budget of $300 million which is meant to defeat the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2025 (Azar, 2019). During his February 2019 State of the Union address, Donald Trump announced an exciting and ambitious plan to eliminate several chronic diseases especially HIV/AIDS as soon as possible. For this purpose, they suggested a reduction of 13 percent in the total funding of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
What was the goal of this program? Why was it an important goal?
The goal of this health promotion program is to help the maximum number of people get rid of HIV/AIDS (Sparks, 2013). Officials are of the view that this initiative will focus on 48 at-risk counties all over the United States and will promote early HIV diagnosis and treatment. It is indeed an important goal since preventative drugs like PrEP are of a little help, and there is a strong need to strengthen outbreak responses as soon as possible.
Did the planners attempt to change both behaviors and the environment? Please explain.
It does not look like the intentions of Donald Trump and others are to change the environment until or unless it is suitable for human health. Their budget proposal reflects the White House’s spending priorities for the next year, but this proposal has yet to be approved by Congress before it goes into effect....
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