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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Strengths and Weaknesses of Nursing Education Articles

Essay Instructions:

Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strengths and Weaknesses
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Institution Affiliation
Strengths and Weaknesses
Summary of Articles
Article 1
The first article presented was by Burrow, Mairs, Pusey, Bradshaw, and Keady (2016) that provided an insight into the experience and motivational factors of health care personnel enrolled in continuing professional education. The motivational factors found to engage the health professionals were availability, funding, management and workplace influence, and professional or personal drivers. The strength of this study is that it provided several challenges faced by health personnel in continuing education and professional development. Since it was a literature review, the study was limited to the peer-reviewed articles, while grey-literature was omitted and it was more focused on the qualitative evidence.
Article 2
Coventry, Maslin‐Prothero, and Smith (2015) conducted this research to assess the impact of health care organization on the workload of registered nurses in an acute care hospital. They presented that the registered nurses were prevented and reluctant in taking leaves from their workplace for attending continuing professional development courses. The reasons included a lack of relief and leadership issues. The strength of this study is that it highlighted the issues of workload, leadership and organizational culture that adversely influence the abilities of registered nurses. However, this study was limited to a single acute care health setting.
Article 3
Creamer and Austin (2017) emphasized the report published by “Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators” and analyzed the core competency for nurse practitioners entry. It provided significant evidence for the skill development and knowledge gain required by the registered nurses working for a health care organization. The strength of this research was that it emphasizes a national approach for the education of registered nurses. However, the research was limited as it was more focused on the registered nurses belonging to a specific region.
Article 4
Price and Reichert (2017) identified the significance of continuing education and ongoing training and their impact on the career satisfaction of registered nurses at diverse professional stages. The early-career and undergraduate nurses anticipated continuing education and training for facilitating the workplace transition and career laddering. However, the late-career and mid-nurses expected continuing education and training as enduring learning to maintain competency and improving future career opportunity. The strength of the study is that it...
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