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Executive Management: Orange County Medical Association

Essay Instructions:

Review the case study, Reinventing the Orange County Medical Association for the 21st Century, presented in Chapter 1 of the course text. Use Gulick’s seven major functions of executive management (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting) as the model to evaluate Michele’s work as the executive director of the Orange County Medical Association. For each function, cite facts or examples in the case study to support your claim and provide justifications by citing the course text or scholarly sources. After providing your evaluation of Michele’s work, share the “lessons learned” from this case study and what you would have done differently. Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Executive Management Your Name Subject and Section March 8, 2019 In the case presented, Michelle Blair faced a lot of new difficulties upon her assumption of the office of Director of the Orange Country Medical Association (OCMA). These challenges could easily be recognized using Gulick’s seven Major Functions of Executive Management. For the first function (Planning), it could be seen that Blair had analyzed the demographics as well as other pertinent facts to come up with a strategy on how to attain OCMA’s goals (i.e., tracking time). After this (organizing), she went to reorganize the staff based on the needs of the circumstances. She also proposed to hire new members or change the current members (staffing) in order to get the skills needed for their goals. Aside from this, Blair also went to direct the operations as well as help the other staff in order to improve on how to do their works. Additionally, one of the crucial things that defined Blair’s work is her setting up a common hierarchy, which is key to setting up coordination between her employees. In an article written by Hammond (1990), he said that “Without a common hierarchical superior, administrative u...
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