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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Obesity in Women in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Based on the information you collected in Module 1 and Module 2 SLPs, discuss the mission statement, the goals, and the objectives of your health promotion program/intervention. What strategies and types of interventions would you use? What settings would you use for your program?

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Obesity in Women Student`s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Obesity and overweight are epidemics in the United States. It’s safe to say that obesity is one of the core risk factors for conditions like hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and several types of cancer (Ogden et al. 2015). Unlike men, women are vulnerable to becoming obese due to the limited resources for physical activities and healthy food choices. There is a strong need to address the issue as soon as possible before it’s too late and obesity takes the lives of numerous women across the globe. Public health officials and clinicians can play their role in this regard; they should first work to change individual behavior and then build an environment for people in which everybody collaborates with others to reduce obesity. For instance, fitness programs can be introduced to the public and gyms can be built here and there so that more and more men and women can benefit from them. The objectives of this healthcare program Every two out of three American women are said to be suffering from obesity, and certain environmental and behavioral elements have caused the epidemic (Poston et al. 2016). The first objective of this program is to create awareness among people regarding the seriousness of the issue. For example, a significant number of women across the globe do not even know the value of staying fit, active and healthy. Through this program, we aim to educate those ladies so that they can increase the number of physical activities and can pay more attention to their health and wellbeing. Another core objective of this healthcare program is to inform people why they should not eat outside. It has been found that numerous people eat outside their houses, especially work...
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