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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Health Care Leaders with Elected Officials and Innovative Ideas

Essay Instructions:

Synthesize strategies for scanning the environment, validating information, and making decisions.


Health Care Leaders with Elected Officials and Innovative Ideas

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words:

How should a health care leader interface with local, state, or nationally elected officials to create a dialogue concerning local health care challenges? Include an example of an appropriate local health care challenge that should be shared with an elected official (or elected officials) and the type of elected official that you would select for this dialogue.

What happens when an innovative idea threatens the system that supports the business and the employees? Provide an example in your response.

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Health Care Leaders with Elected Officials and Innovative Ideas

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The strength and development of a nation is dependent on the productivity of its citizens. These citizens need to be healthy for them to be productive. The success of a country is very much dependent on its citizens’ health. Just like any other professional field, the healthcare field also experiences the ups and downs. Challenges in the healthcare field are usually multipronged, affecting virtually all the elements connected to it. These include the patients, the medical personnel and leaders in the field, as well as the government. To this end, it is just natural and expected that these are the same stakeholders who need to step up when such challenges occur, to provide both long-term and short-term solutions. There is need for a collaboration between healthcare leaders and the local, federal and state leaders in making any possible solutions a success.

Healthcare leaders should develop open, collaborative relationships with key 

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