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Health Care Fraud

Essay Instructions:

Fraud and Abuse Enforcement

Assessment Details

Explore the OIG Enforcement Actions page. Review and select one of the articles on a case of health care fraud. 

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the case that includes the following:

Summarize the incident and the specific fraud that was enacted.

Determine which laws were broken and which regulatory bodies are responsible for oversight of the regulations that were violated.

Describe the communications and information that would have been exchanged among the regulatory bodies and the offending organization during the investigation and charge of fraud or abuse in the case.

Explain the outcome of the case. If a judgment has not yet been passed, what do you think the outcome of the judgment should be? Justify your response.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fraud and Abuse Enforcement
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Whether physicians commit fraud in their organizational structures via contractual mandates or incentives to process more clients and optimize billing remains unknown. It is established that misrepresenting clinical information and up-coding costs a significant share of taxpayers' money every year and potentiates adverse prescriptions and processes. The electronic medical records mandate and data analytics tools advancement have facilitated increased aggressive pursuit to address fraudulent health billing allegations by federal authorities. Billing should be investigated for anomalies and suspicious activities identified for additional investigation. This paper identifies an incident and the fraud committed, legal frameworks and guidelines broken, communication and information to be shared with the regulatory bodies, and the case outcome.
Incident and Specific Fraud
The case involves the guilty plea of Vincenzo Rubino, a Whittier medical clinic's former president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), for multiple counts of aggravated identity theft as well as healthcare fraud. Fraudulent billings were submitted to the Medi-Cal health care program, targeting family planning supports for uninsured economically disadvantaged Californians. Rubino was associated with Santa Maria's Children and Family Center, listed as a not-for-profit public benefit entity, and enrolled in the Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment (Family PACT) provider program under Medi-Cal. In this context, the clinic presented fraudulent claims totaling almost $5 million, purportedly for family planning services that remained unrealized from November 2014 to August 2017 (U.S. Department of Justice, 2023). The claims predominantly exploited patient information acquired through deceptive tactics like luring patients with promises of free diabetes testing at external locations. Furthermore, Rubino employed the names of unrelated medical providers never used in that clinic during the fraud period to fabricate the claims.
Violated Laws and Regulatory Bodies
Vincenzo Rubino's actions have unmistakably transgressed a breadth of established legal statutes and regulations, notably encompassing the realms of healthcare fraud and aggravated identity theft. Healthcare fraud materialized in this case due to Rubino's calculated manipulation of the healthcare system for personal financial gain, demonstrated by submitting deliberately falsified billings that were never rendered. Rubino's activities also strayed into aggravated identity theft, a grave offense involving the illicit appropriation of another individual's identity to facilitate fraudulent activities. This dual transgression is legally significant as he manipulated patient data and the health care system to unjustly benefit himself. The United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG) and the California Department of Justice are diligently tasked with ensuring compliance with healthcare laws and regulations (U.S. Department of Justice, 2023). As such, their active involvement, in this case, underscores the gravity of Rubino's infractions and reinforces their dedication to maintaining the ethical fabric of healthcare operations.
Communications and Informati...
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