100% (1)
2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Health and Medicare Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

In a reflection of 450-600 words, explain how you see yourself fitting into the following IOM Future of Nursing recommendations:

1. Recommendation 4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80% by 2020.

2. Recommendation 5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020.

3. Recommendation 6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.

Identify your options in the job market based on your educational level.

1 How will increasing your level of education affect how you compete in the current job market?

2.How will increasing your level of education affect your role in the future of nursing?

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Unsatisfactory Less than Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent Score

0% 75% 79% 89% 100%

(0 points) (45 points) (47.4 points) (53.4 points) (60 points)

Content include little

or none of the

assignment criteria.

Major points were

not clear and/or


throughout the


Assignment content

omitted some

required criteria.

Major points lacked

clarity and little or no

effective support was


Most of the required

assignment content

was present. Major

points were

adequately clear and

addressed. Some

support was evident

and relevant.

All of the required

assignment content

was present. Major

points were clear and

effectively addressed.

Support was

comprehensive and


All of the required

assignment content

was present. Major

points were compelling

and thoroughly

addressed. Significant

support was evident,

relevant and


(0 points) (15 points) (15.8 points) (17.8 points) (20 points)

No recommended

terms have been

included in the

correct context

Few recommended

terms have been

included in the correct




terms have been

included in the

correct context.

Most recommended

terms have been

included in the

correct context.

All of the

recommended terms

have been included

in the correct


(0 points) (11.25 points) (11.85 points) (13.35 points) (15 points)

The reflection is an


collection and

rehash of other

people's ideas,

products, images,

or inventions.

There is no

evidence of new

thought or

inventiveness. Self

reflection not


The reflection is a

minimal collection

or rehash of other

people's ideas,

products, images,

or inventions. There

is no evidence of

new thought or

personal reflection.

The reflection

shows evidence of

originality. While

based on other

people's ideas,

products, images,

or inventions, the

work does offer

some new insights.




The reflection

shows evidence of

originality and

inventiveness. While

based on an

extensive collection

of other people's

ideas, products,

images, or

inventions, the work

extends beyond that

collection to offer

new insights.

The reflection shows

significant evidence

of originality and

inventiveness. The

majority of the

content and many of

the ideas are fresh,

original, inventive,

and based upon

logical conclusions

and sound research.

(0 points) (3.75 points) (3.95 points) (4.45 points) (5 points)

Surface errors were

pervasive and

impeded meaning

because of errors in

usage, word choice,

and/or sentence

structure. Word

length was not met

or excessively over

the requirement.

Frequent and

repetitive mechanical

errors distracted the


Inconsistencies in

usage, word choice,

and/or sentence

structure. Word

length requirement

was not met.

Some mechanical

errors or typos are

present, but are

not overly

distracting to the

reader. Audienceappropriate

language is

employed. Word

length requirement

may or may not

have been met.

Prose is largely free

of mechanical

errors, although a

few may be present.

The writer uses a

variety of sentence

structures and

effective figures of

speech. Word

length requirement

was met.

Writer is clearly in

command of standard,

written, academic

English. Word length

requirement was met.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health and Medicare
Kowalski, a medical practitioner (2012) states that the Institute of Medicine in its ambition to map a plan for addressing the issues pertaining to shortages in nursing is in the business of preparing qualified personnel to meet the challenges experienced in the health sector in this era. Various opinions on nurse’s education and training indicate that nurses with advanced levels of education are in better position of excellently performing in their jobs. It is therefore clear that education and training initiatives distinctively shows the quality of care delivered by nurses. By furthering education, nurses understanding on healthcare issues are broadened thus allowing them to grow professionally. As training personnel, this plan gives me a challenge of furthering my studies with the objective of sharpening my skills, eyeing to be relevant to the current issues that face the health segment.
Increasing Nurses with a Baccalaureate Degree to 80% by 2020
According to Kowalski (2012), it should be within the interests of the academic nurse frontiers within institutions that train and equip nurses to collaboratively work together. Through this, an increase in the scope of nurses with the needed experience by 2020 will be addressed. Kowalski states that these frontiers should create partnerships with educational accredited institutions, entities that fund such initiatives, and employers to ensure that adequate resources are pooled to expand baccalaureate programs (2012). He also adds that an enrollment of more students by offering scholarships should also be considered not forgetting the approach to increase the diversity of pupils. This method creates a workforce that is well equipped to meet the growing needs of diverse populations in this era.
Doubling the Number of Nurses with a Doctorate by 2020
Relevant entities in the medical fraternity have an obligation of monitoring the progress of all accredited nursing institutions. This is to ensure that their medical practitioners are enrolled into programs that offer masters and doctorate level education within five years of graduation (Kowalski, 2012). Funding should be broadened to nurses who pursue accelerated graduate degree programs with an objective of increasing their diversity, and in this approach nurses, scientists and researchers are equipped. An increase in remunerations and pack...
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