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Legislative Worksheet: How a Bill becomes a Law

Essay Instructions:

How a Bill Becomes a Law

As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

First, refer to the "How a Bill Becomes a Law" media.


Then, view the "Bill to Law Process" to watch the scenario.

After viewing the scenario, refer to the "Legislative Assignment." You will need to save the document first in order to use it.

Submit the assignment to the instructor. You also reserve the right to submit your completed proposal to the respective government official. However, this is optional. If you select to submit your proposal as a part of the legislative process, refer to "Find Your Representative" or research the contact information on your own.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

1. How a Bill Becomes a Law

Identify a problem or concern in your community or organization that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

Please see the documents in the add-on section to see the template to use for this assignment and the rubric that will be used to score the paper.

Helpful Tip: Complete each question and use references as required. You can answer the questions on the saved template itself or type the questions within a word document and answer each question. Don’t forget to answer the last question from the standpoint of who would you contact to discuss your idea and what would you say to them. See the details in the rubric to be sure you cover the points required for full point credit.


NRS-440V: Week 4 Rubric How a Bill Becomes a Law 

Background: Do Your Research. Include studies, reports, personal experience or anecdotal stories related to your proposal. Lists whether or not similar legislation has been introduced/or passed in other states and includes details on how it fits with the proposed problem and proposal for your bill. 25.0% All of the required assignment content was present. Major points of the background information were thoroughly addressed. Focus of the background information is clear, targeted and compelling. (37.5 points)

Situation: Is this something that can be legislated? Identify the problem/concern and state your proposal/idea. 25.0% All of the required assignment content was present. Major points of the problem and proposal were thoroughly addressed. Situation is one that can be legislated. Focus of the situation is clear, targeted and compelling. Solution focus is clear and appropriate. (37.5 points)

Assessment: Finances and Stakeholder Identifies the financial impact if any (e.g., added costs, cost savings, increased revenue), Identifies stakeholder groups that would support the bill and identifies people/groups that would oppose the bill. 25.0% All of the required assignment content was present. Major points of the finances and stakeholders are thoroughly addressed. Nurses are listed amongst the stakeholders. Focus of the assessment information is clear, targeted and compelling. (37.5 points). 

Recommendation: Provides a name of a legislator you would approach with your idea and/or the position you would contact (i.e., senator of my state, governor) and explain why you would approach this particular policy maker. Includes a copy of a draft letter that you would use to gather support from the legislator or policy maker you recommend contacting about your problem and proposal for the bill. 15.0% All of the required assignment content was present. Major points of the sample letter and the selected legislator's name/policy maker position are thoroughly addressed. Focus of the sample letter and selected legislator/policy maker position is clear, targeted and compelling. (22.5)

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 5% Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. (7.5 points)

Research Citations (in-text citation for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and references page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment 5% (7.5 points)

Template--Legislative Worksheet– How a Bill Becomes a Law


• Identify the problem/concern (include if this is a local, state or federal issue): 

• State your proposal/idea (include details regarding how this will address the concern). 


• Include studies, reports, personal experience, or anecdotal stories related to your proposal. 

• Has there been similar legislation introduced and/or passed in other states? If so, include it. (state if there has been legislation at a local, state or federal level and if it has been introduced and/or passed. If passed, what has the impact been if known) 


• Identify financial impact if any (e.g., added costs, cost savings, increased revenue. Address the cost and impact if the proposed bill is passed. How much is it to implement and what other costs would be seen, whether in savings or expenses once passed): 

• Identify stakeholder groups that would support this bill and why they might support it: 

• Identify stakeholder groups that would oppose this bill and why they might oppose it: 


• Identify an elected official (i.e., legislator) to discuss your proposal and state why you have selected this official. Draft a sample letter to this legislator explaining your proposal and why you wish to meet. The letter can be added below or attached separately. 

(I live in South Texas-Brownsville)


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Legislative Worksheet: How a Bill becomes a Law
Course title:
Legislative Worksheet: How a Bill becomes a Law
The identified problem/concern is that there are regulatory scope-of-practice hindrances which impede advanced practice registered nurses from actually practicing to the whole or total scope of their schooling and education. Therefore, the proposal/idea is to get rid of the scope-of-practice barriers so that APRNs can actually practice to the full extent of their training and education. APRNs have proven that they are able to offer cost-efficient, accessible, and quality care without being supervised by a doctor. The proposed idea, if passed by the U.S. Congress, will enable APRNs to practice autonomously in suburban and urban areas without being supervised by physicians. Currently, they can only practice in underserved and rural areas without being under a doctor’s supervision (Gorski, 2014).
APRNs are commonly prepared in master’s-degree programs and they include the following groups of providers: certified nurse-midwives, nurse practitioners (NPs), clinical nurse specialists, and certified registered nurse anesthetists (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2015). Nurses are just as competent as doctors in carrying out an endoscopic screening test which is usually done for colon cancer. APRNs are often prepared usually in master’s degree programs, and NPs are typically team-trained together with medical students sharing similar coursework, patient rounds, as well as other on-site clinical experiences (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2015).
However, notwithstanding their capability of providing an extensive range of health services independently, NPs, for instance, are held back from doing so due to restrictive regulations and laws. Evidence demonstrates that the quality of health care provided by NPs is equivalent to, at sometimes better than, comparable care offered by doctors (Ramirez et al., 2014). Moreover, researchers have reported that certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) were able to manage normal pregnancies safely and better than, or as well as, doctors. Additionally, low-risk patients of certified-nurse midwives delivered fewer low birth-weight babies than physicians and had shorter inpatient stays for both labor and delivery than did patients who were under the care of obstetricians. Researchers have also found that doctors, including pediatricians and internists, have reported that they could in fact delegate more office visits to NPs than they already do (Ramirez et al., 2014).
At present, a lot of states which necessitate physician supervision of APRNs allow these nurses to practice independently in some settings, for instance rural areas or inner city community health facilities; the rationale being that these areas are medically underserved. Therefore, if unsupervised advanced practice nurses are competent enough to practice is such sites in which physicians will not or do not, then they are also competent enough to practice in other sites in which physicians do practice (Gorski, 2014). If advanced practice nurses, practicing independently, are able to care effectively for patients in poor inner-city and in rural regions, why cannot these same health professionals practice in urban and suburban regions without physician supervision? (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2015).
In essence, NPs have shown their capability of providing care to lots of underserved populations for instance migrant workers, women, the homeless people, the elderly, and children in non-traditional settings like health departments, work sites, and schools. Nursing schools are investing substantial resources for preparation of nurse practitioners and these nurses are graduating in record numbers. Resolving the scope-of-practice issues for APRNs to gain the required public support to increase their role in order to meet...
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