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Benner's Novice to Expert Theory in nursing practice

Essay Instructions:

1, Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced). 2, Comment on the usefulness of Benner's work in your present or future role. Provide several examples.

Benner's work is based on the work of two brothers, one a mathematician and one a philosopher who developed the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. Both brothers played chess, but only one became a true master of the game. It was an attempt to understand this difference, which led to their theory proposing that expertise is only achieved through experience and holistic integration. Moreover, they theorized that this process results in personal knowing, which cannot be explained by cognitive knowledge alone (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986). Expert practice is situational and more than application of rules; specifically, expert practice develops over time as nurses encounter patients and are involved in authentic human transactions (Alligood and Tomey, 2006).

Benner's Research

Benner's research was started in the early l970s and continues to this day. Initially, Benner set out to identify domains and competencies of nursing practice by interviewing nurses regarding their practice and observing practice. Much of her work has continued to be in the identification of the domains and competencies of basic and advanced practice nursing. The initial domains of basic nursing practice, as listed in Alligood and Tomey (2006, p. 133), are:

1.      The helping role

2.      The teaching-coaching function

3.      The diagnostic and patient-monitoring function

4.      Effective management of rapidly changing situations

5.      Administering and monitoring therapeutic interventions and regimens

6.      Monitoring and ensuring the quality of health care practices

7.      Organizational and work-role competencies

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Benner's Novice to Expert Theory in nursing practice
Benner's Novice to Expert Theory
The theory is applicable given that nurses first need to develop skills that enable them to be competent, whereby education and experiences improve competency. As such, in nursing practice using knowledge gained to improve skills is more relevant that having theoretical background where one has little or no experience. In other words, using practical knowledge and relying on research show that before one becomes an expert they have to acquire the right skills and utilize them (Neary, 2001). Even though, every role in the health care industry requires different competencies. It is through acquiring skills and utilizing experience anchored on a sound education base that a nurse becomes analytical in the workplace, and they are able to make the best decisions in light of the situations.
The development of the health disciplines is also dependent on linking theory and practice. The theory is relevant towards the professional development of nurses, but there is a need for increased research for the theory to further improve results. Informal research is one of the aspects that facilitates professional development for individual nurses and reflected in the nursing discipline when ideas are put into practice in reflective nursing (Neary, 2001). The framework of practice is relevant to nursing since it highlights on knowledge acquisition and transitioning from a novice to an expert. Hence, it is through integrating practical and theoretical knowledge that the framework supports advanced nursing practice.
Usefulness of Benner's work
In future I hope to rely on the framework since acquisition of skills is best utilized when there is professional development. Working with experts and seeking their advice is important for one to grow professionally. At the same time, a team made up of novices and experts helps the novices to acqui...
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