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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Has Health Care Improved or Declined Over the Past 20 Years?

Essay Instructions:

The paper needs to follow the instructions outlined in the attachment. My thesis statement will be: Veteran’s Health Care has improved over the past twenty years due to the Veteran’s Choice Act of 2014, expanded eligibility, and the improvement of health statuses among veterans.


M1A2: Library Activity #1: Choosing a Topic & Writing a Thesis Statement

The subject I chose is Reforming Veteran’s Health Care.  My topic will question the improvement or decline of the veteran’s health care system over the past twenty years.  I chose this topic because it hits home for me.  As a veteran, I have dealt with the disparaging process of dealing with the veteran’s health care system.  I feel as though I have an ample amount of knowledge on this subject to deliver an informative report.

The improvements that I plan to discuss in this paper are the Veteran’s Choice Act of 2014, which improved medical service and availability for veterans; expanded eligibility, which allowed more veterans to be covered; and the improvement of health statuses due to better technology, more V.A. facilities, and a greater focus on mental health.  I am also going to discuss the greatest con of V.A. health care: the increased time it takes to get approved for health care and the effects it has on the veterans.  This decline in making the veterans the main priority can result in other issues such as suicide, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, violent tendencies, etc.  Although these issues are critical and need to be addressed, I do believe that there have been many more improvements than declines.  

My thesis statement will be: Veteran’s Health Care has improved over the past twenty years due to the Veteran’s Choice Act of 2014, expanded eligibility, and the improvement of health statuses among veterans.  Because of the many issues that veterans experience with health care, it took time and research to narrow my topic.  I found that there were several articles on health care reform, but I wanted to narrow it down to some of the specific improvements made over the years.  I then focused my attention on what has not improved and desperately needs improvement.  I found a couple of scholarly journals to support my topic. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Has Health Care Improved or Declined Over the Past 20 Years?
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
There have been many debates regarding the quality of healthcare according to the veterans over the past years. As a result, changes have been made to ensure that the veterans receive the best care possible. In addition to such changes, there are still several loopholes in the medical world that do not contribute to the improvement of the healthcare services offered to the veterans. Veteran's Health Care has improved over the past twenty years due to the Veteran's Choice Act of 2014, expanded eligibility, and the improvement of health statuses among veterans.
The Veterans Choice of Act of 2014 was formulated with the aim of addressing the veteran's health administration health scandal of 2014 hence bringing insight into the improvement of the care accorded to veterans. Among the powers that the law has is the expansion of the various options that veterans have regarding medical care. As well, it also grants the United States Secretary of Veteran Affairs to fire any of the senior executives that do not follow their lines of duty. According to the results from the investigation of the 2014 veterans' scandal, an approximation of 35 veterans had died due to delays of seeing a doctor. A substantial number also took more than 90 days before booking in for a doctor's appointment. Therefore, this Act played an important role in eradicating such delays and in turn, improving the quality of healthcare accorded to the veterans. Currently, 90% of the veterans get booked for a doctor's appointment on time hence reducing the chances of death or the worsening of their conditions. Various groups of staff within the hospital also work together to eliminate delays that could affect the health of the patients (Bartunek, 2011). Also, the law has improved healthcare by allowing non-VA hospitals to provide healthcare to rural veterans. Therefore, they do not have to travel long distances in seek of medical assistance especially in the case of emergencies.
As well, better technology as compared to the earlier situations in hospitals, more V.A. facilities, and a greater focus on mental health has dramatically improved the healthcare of the veterans. Their hospitals are equipped with modern equipment that aid doctors a lot in the treatment process. Some equipment has also reduced the time that was spent on carrying out a specific procedure hence reducing the chances of death or the further complication of the condition. An increase in the number of VA facilities has ...
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