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Intervention to Improve Quality Care in Stroke Patients

Essay Instructions:

Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?

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Independent and Dependent Variables Intervention to Improve Quality Care in Stroke Patients Johnathan Arteaga Grand Canyon University Date Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why? Independent variable An independent variable I soone changes and influences the dependent variable. Exercise is the main independent variable and previous researches have highlighted that those who lead sedentary lifestyles tend to suffer worse health outcomes including increased risk of stroke (Hornby Moore, & Lovell, 2016). The connection between vigorous exercise, moderate exercise and risk of stroke may differ between men and women men, and the intensity of the exercises may be evaluated. The risk of stroke increases with age, and ought to be considered in the analysis to evaluate the impact of age on stroke rehabilitation, separate from the exercises. Despite the benefits of exercise, patients who are susceptible to excessive physical stress do not require intense exercise. While the exercises likely have protective effect are should be exercised to avoid creating significant risks to the hearts such as generating acute overload of volume. As such, considering the type of exercise and physical condition is prioritized. Jennifer et al (2018) reported that among young people, exercise intensity has influence on the cardiovascular health among those not hospitalized and increased intensity improved health outcomes. Similarly, low-volume high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is beneficial poststroke. The HIIT option remains one of the best ways to maximize exercise outcomes and consists of short bursts of high intensity exercise, unlike the prolonged episodes of vigorous exercise, and this is associated with peak fitness. The training parameters considered include the intensity, variability and specificity of the exercises. The simple exercise keep the body active and with better blood circulation. Exercises are chosen based on how best they can improve outcomes and convenienc...
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