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Functional Electronic Health Record Applications

Essay Instructions:


Health informatics professionals are leaders in their healthcare organizations and serve as a resource for uniting the staff in the implementation of organizational initiatives. Whether they work for a healthcare facility or for a company that develops and implements the electronic health record, they are sought out for their expertise in the field.

Employees across healthcare organizations need health informatics professionals when working on large-scale projects such as the adoption of an electronic health record system or in supporting other activities that require the management of health data and information.

Their competence in managing project teams, analyzing organizational processes, identifying the need for change, and implementing new initiatives are necessary skill sets in today's healthcare delivery environment. They are critical components of the work performed by the health informatics professional.

To complete this task, you will read the attached “Electronic Record Adoption Project.”


A. Analyze the four Functional Electronic Health Record (EHR) applications and their capabilities as they are used in the electronic health record:

- Computerized physician order entry

- Medication reconciliation

- Computerized prescribing

- Clinical decision support

1. Explain one benefit of one of the given functional Electronic Health Record (EHR) application.

2. Explain one challenge of implementing the selected functional Electronic Health Record (EHR) application.

a. Explain how this challenge could be resolved.

B. Present how a needs assessment could be performed for the practice in the scenario.

1. Identify one clinical area needing assessment.

2. Explain the functional application needs that staff members may have in the clinical area you have selected.

3. Explain one concern staff may have from the selected area.

4. Describe how the use of an electronic health record can affect privacy, security, and legal aspects in ways that differ from the use of the paper medical record.

C. Develop a project proposal for adopting an electronic record for the practice in the scenario by doing the following:

1. Present the elements that might be included in a project plan for adopting an electronic health record.

2. Explain how to form a project team.

a. Explain how each team member would bring value to the process.

3. Identify one benefit the practice might gain from adopting the electronic health record.

4. Provide one example of an electronic health record functional application that may be implemented in each of the following healthcare settings:

- Hospital

- Nursing home

- Dental office

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section.


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Please read the instruction above for how the paper needs to be and i will also attach a rubric as to how the paper is going to be graded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Electronic Health Record
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Electronic Health Record
Functional Electronic Health Record applications
* Computerized physician order entry- this is the process of entering medications or other medical instructions electronically rather than on paper charts. The system is used to make medical orders that are needed in a health care setting. This application is beneficial to health care settings since it reduces the number of errors that may occur on that order due to poor handwriting or transcription of the orders or instructions. Most of the errors that occur when the orders or instructions are made may contribute to poor health outcomes and poor patient satisfaction (Galanter, Hier, Jao, & Sarne, 2010).
The major challenge facing the implementation of this technology is insufficient funds and time. It requires long time and large amount of funds to be successfully implemented into a health care setting. A CPOE technology may be rolled out in single departments within the health care setting taking long time to be fully implemented in the whole organization. Also resistance from some health professionals also prolongs the implementation period. This challenge can be addressed by addressing resistance to change from some professionals and getting enough donors to provide sufficient funds.
* Medication Reconciliation- This is the process of comparing a new medication order of a patients with the previous medications that they have been taking before the new one was made. This occurs due to changes in care levels as the patients move through the different levels of a healthcare system such as from emergency department to inpatient bed, from surgery to ICU and from home to emergency or from hospital to home. To do this a correct list that contains all the details of the previous medication orders such drug names, dosage and frequency is prepared and compared against the new medication orders from a physician.
This process is done to help resolve any errors that may occur in the medication orders to improve health outcomes. The major challenge facing this function is resistance from some health professions who fear that they may lose jobs or will not be comfortable with this new technology and due to their inadequate skills. This challenge can be solved by training those who are resisting from this change to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills required to perform this function. In addition, they should be trained to enable them understand how this will improve the quality of services offered in the healthcare setting.
* Computerized Prescribing- this is the process of generating, transmitting, and filling of prescription through computerized electronic systems instead of papers. Prescribing is mostly done in outpatient care settings and mostly it is paper-based therefore e-prescription is beneficial in this setting to eliminate the errors that arise due to manual prescriptions. This form of prescription has enabled prescribers to send patients’ prescription to pharmacies through computerized electronic systems.
This electronic transfer of patients’ information has increased compliance levels and eliminated errors that may arise due to poor handwriting and transcribing the medical instructions as well. A major challenge facing this function is resistance and inadequate skills from healthcare professionals. This challenge can be addressed by training healthcare professionals to acquire the necessary skills to perform this function. Consequently, the training will enable the professionals to understand why this function is necessary in the healthcare setting and how it will improve the quality of services as well as affect health outcomes.
* Clinical decision support- it provides health care professionals with information that is well filtered at the right time to enhance healthcare services. This function consists of different tools that enhances decision-making in the health care setting.
Most of these tools include computerized reminders to patients and health professionals, specific patient data, diagnostic support, and other relevant reference materials. This function improves the quality of care and enhances health outcomes (Galanter, Hier, Jao, & Sarne, 2010). A major challenge is inadequate skills by healthcare professionals. This function requires computer knowledge thus to address the issue of inadequate skills, the professionals should be trained to acquire the necessary skills to perform this function.
Needs Assessment
Introduction of e...
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