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Methods Used in Quantitative Research. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Application: Methods Used in Quantitative Research

As you have explored this week, there are various methods a researcher may use to engage in quantitative research design. While the methods presented this week are not exhaustive, they do introduce numerous features that you will likely encounter when reviewing, accessing, and researching the nursing practice literature. Whether you are creating new research or searching the literature to add support for a research question you are interested in, understanding the quantitative research designs that may be used for nursing practice will likely inform how you will conduct research for your health care setting. As you continue to build upon your research skills as a nursing researcher and professional, understanding how to engage in quantitative research design is a valuable asset.

For this Assignment, view this week’s Quantitative Research Designs PowerPoint webinar and pay close attention to its content on the basic elements of research methods (e.g., sample, data collection, measurement, analysis). Then, be sure to review the two research studies by Sand-Jekline and Sherman (2014) and Steelman, Graling, and Perkhounkova (2013), included in this week’s resources.

Note: While not a required resource, you might find the definitions in the Encyclopedia of Nursing Research helpful for this assignment.

This assignment involves identifying and describing the strengths and weaknesses of the research method used in the Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) research article in this week’s resources.

Focus on the research design, sample data collection methods, tools used for data collection, and the plan for data analysis as discussed in the Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) article.

Identify at least two strengths and two weaknesses of the study based on reliability and validity by including additional support with citations from resources not assigned this week.

Use the copy of the Journal Club Template for Quantitative Research located in this week’s resources. The template includes an area for each element discussed in the study.

Be brief, paraphrase and summarize each of the elements clearly on the form.

Provide the full citation of the article used for this Assignment on the template.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Methods Used in Quantitative Research
Institutional Affiliation
Methods Used in Quantitative Research
Quantitative research refers to the investigation of the study phenomenon that can be measured through mathematical, statistical or computational methods. Quantitative research focuses on developing and employing various theories, mathematical models, as well as hypotheses pertaining to a certain phenomenon (Barnham, 2015). The measurement process is the most critical part of quantitative research since it forms the critical connection between the observations done with the result presented after measurements. Quantitative data refers to any data presented in numerical forms such as percentages or statistics. Quantitative methods emphasize the objective measurements as well as the mathematical, numerical or statistical analysis of the data collected through means such as questionnaires, surveys, polls, among others. Quantitative methods can also be used in manipulating existing statistical data using computational methods. Therefore, quantitative methods incorporate the study population, data collection techniques, sampling technique, and data analysis. Quantitative research can be carried out using a number of designs. There exist at least four designs used in quantitative research. The descriptive design seeks to describe the status of phenomena or variable. The correlational design seeks to explore the relationship between certain variables by the use of statistical analysis. Quasi-experimental design is meant to establish the cause-effect relationship between variables. Finally, experimental designs use scientific methods to find the relationship between variables. This paper seeks to explore the research methods and designs used in a peer-reviewed article as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
The researchers employed a quasi-experimental design. They did not assign groups and did not manipulate the independent variable. Rather, they identified study groups and then exposed them to the study variable. A comparison between the obtained results and results obtained from the groups that were not exposed to the variable was done. The...
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