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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Evidence Based Practice Proposal. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Prepare your final evidence-based practice proposal for a project whose focus is the resolution of an issue or problem significant to improving patient care. (Patients are conceptualized as individuals, groups, families, or communities.) Make all necessary revisions and corrections to previous assignments completed in Topics 1- 4. Combine all elements into one cohesive evidence-based proposal.

Although recommendations will vary in length depending upon the problem or issue addressed, the paper must be between 4,500 and 5,000 words and formatted in APA style. The title page, abstract, appendixes, and references are not included in the word limit. The final paper should clearly describe the methods used to identify and retrieve the evidence as well as the rationale for exploring the clinical issue chosen. Clearly articulated recommendations for practice based on research evidence are essential to a successful paper.

Use section headings for each section component and address responses in narrative form. Sections of the final paper must include all of the components written to date (incorporating revisions), as well as the remaining sections. These sections include:

Title Page






Literature Review


Proposed Solution

Implementation Plan

Dissemination Plan


Reference Page

Appendices (if any)

Note that an Abstract and Appendix are not required in the individual assignments, but are expected to be added for the final version of the paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Evidence Based Practice Proposal
Name of Student
Institution Affiliation
Obesity remains one of the most serious health conditions in the 21st century. Childhood obesity is an emerging point of concern for various healthcare experts and parents. According to the statistical data from the Center for Disease Control (2018), every two out of ten school-going children, aging from 6 to 19, are obese. With the increase in global healthcare, the older population has also been on the rise globally. The increasing elderly population is exposed to the dangers of chronic diseases amid reduced quality of life and financial burden to the families and communities. Consequently, incidences and prevalence of chronic conditions have also been on the rise. Lack of appropriate and adequate intervention of both childhood obesity and chronic diseases among the aging population puts the health of the society at a more significant risk. Appropriate solution and intervention plans are necessary to avert the growing dangers of these conditions. Intervention plans including enrolling nurses and caregivers to APRN programs increase the quality of care delivery to patients. The proposal aims at providing intervention and implementation plan that seeks to transform the skills and approach used by medical professionals to manage and treat health issues prevalent in the aging population and the obese children.
Obesity is defined by a body mass indeed (BMI) that exceeds 30kg/m2. At extreme obesity, the BMI exceeds 40kg/m2. Obesity is emerging as a serious public health menace in the 21st century that is not limited in the United States but extends globally. Generally, obesity can be defined as an excessiveness of body fat in the body. An analysis of the impacts of obesity depicts an increase in global mortality as well as excessive disease burden among children, adolescents and adults globally. Prevalence and concentration of obesity are different locations wise with some areas showing high prevalence than others. For example, an excess of 40 percent of the population between 45 and 59 years in North America, Central America, South America, most of Western Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe are reported to be obese (Hurt, Kulisek, Buchanan & McClave, 2010). Obesity is a significant epidemiologic challenge that faces the medical fraternity and affects the patients and the entire community, treatment, and management of the condition is critical.
With the increase in global healthcare, the older population has also been on the rise globally. Consequently, incidences and prevalence of chronic conditions have also been on the rise. Management of these chronic diseases among the elderly has transitioned the role of nurses and doctors to concentrate more on increasing the survival of the patients as well as treating them to full recovery. Common among these chronic conditions include diabetes, cancer, arthritis, hypertension, arthritis, and heart diseases (Jaul, & Barron, 2017). Nurses and caregivers are challenged to predict the aging pattern and make appropriate plans and trajectories pertaining to the treatment of chronic conditions ubiquitous among the elderly.
Childhood obesity is an emerging point of concern for various healthcare experts and parents. According to the statistical data from the Center for Disease Control (2018), every two out of ten school-going children, aging from 6 to 19, are obese. This problem is significant for my practice because I have found that there is a lack of intervention. Obesity is directly or indirectly associated with diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, and sleeping disorders. Obese children are likely to develop these illnesses at a fast speed, and they may also develop some mental disorders like stress, depression, and anxiety. Thus, there is a strong need for finding suitable mechanisms that can be used to tackle the disease in school-going children.
Additionally, the increasing elderly population is exposed to the dangers of chronic diseases amid reduced quality of life and financial burden on the families and communities. Equipping medical facilities and preparing nurses appropriately will be crucial in the intended transforming of the treatment and management of childhood obesity and chronic diseases in the aging population. Evidence suggests the increased quality of healthcare in the 21st century has transferred the health benefits to today’s population with a majority of the aging population generally healthier than the previous cohorts. Nonetheless, the dangers of chronic illnesses among the elderly remain inevitable with the increased functional limitation that enhances the role of nurses and caregivers.
Childhood obesity remains one of the most severe health conditions in the 21st century. The global condition is now prevalent in both developing and the developed countries. By 2010, the global population of children with obesity was estimated to be 42 million with 83 percent of them living in developed countries. Apart from health risks associated with childhood obesity, obese children are also exposed to socio-emotional consequences such as stigmatization, negative stereotypes, discrimination as well as being socially marginalized. Further, obese children are likely to have negative academic consequences such as poor academic performance fueled by their deteriorating health conditions (Bhadoria, Sahoo, Sahoo, Choudhury, Sufi, & Kumar, 2015).
The increase in the aging population is projected to increase significantly in the future. According to the federal statistics, there were 46 million people in the US aged 65 years or more which represented 15 percent of the US population. By 2030, the older population (65 years and over) is expected account for at least 21 percent of the US population. Further, statistics project that the aging population is expected to stabilize after 2030 with the rate between 21 percent and 24 percent (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2016). With the increase in the aging population, both present and projected, the public expenditure on long-term care is expected to increase (Appendix A). The services of medical personnel are likely to be demanded more to intervene, manage and treat chronic illnesses prevalent in the aging population. The purpose of this proposal is to provide an intervention that seeks to transform the treatment and management of childhood obesity and chronic diseases in the aging population.  
Evidence-based intervention strategies that seek to address the health issues posed by obesity among children, as well as the chronic conditions in the aging population, are fundamental in maintaining a healthy population. Communities and families continue to seek healthcare services for their patients. Skilled nurses, both working and retired, have been tasked in addressing these challenges in a bid to create a healthy population, increase the quality of life and reduce the financial burden. Therefore, this proposal attempts to address the question: how are the nurses, caregivers and the entire medical fraternity being empowered and prepared in their intervention role of transforming the treatment and management of childhood obesity and chronic diseases in the aging population. 
Literature Review
A review of literature entails the process of surveying scholarly articles, journals, books, videos, and magazines among other sources relevant to the particular problem, theory or area of research. Thus, the information from the selected sources give elaborate the ideas of other researchers and authors regarding the same issue or giving their suggestive solutions based on evidence on the question of the current study. Hence, reviewing literature provide description, summary and critical evaluation of the work of other authors regarding the phenomenon of the present study. The current essay is a review of fifteen sources about reviewing literature based on theory in the literature review.
Analysis and Appraisal of Sources
Study 1
McGhee, Marland & Atkinson (2007) in their research on “Grounded theory research: literature reviewing and reflexivity” discussed an argument surrounding the role of the initial literature review in grounded theory. The researchers based their arguments on the confusion surrounding literature review and pointed the need for clarity on the use of literature in grounded theory to guide researchers and readers to focus on reviewing literature based on theory. The authors noted the importance of reflexivity as an explicit quest for the limitation of researcher effects on the data through awareness of self as an integral both to the process of data collection and the comparison method based on theory. Thus, the authors concluded that researchers who are close to the field may be theoretically sensitized and become familiar with the literature on the topic of study. Thus, the use of literature or any pre-knowledge information should not bar a grounded theory that arises from the inductive-deductive interplay which is vital in the literature review. Therefore, researchers need to use reflexivity to prevent prior knowledge distortion on the perception of the researcher on data (McGhee et al. 2007).
The article is essential as it focuses on reviewing literature based on theory. The authors use an argumentative review that examines the literature selectively to support and or refute an argument regarding the importance of reflexivity. Thus, it develops a viewpoint on the use of reflexivity to base literature review on a theoretical approach. Even though the information is of the recent past and not current, the article gives an integrative analysis that synthesizes representative literature on reflexivity for the development of new frameworks and perspectives on the use of theory when discussing literature review (McGhee et al. 2007).
Study 2
Thomas and colleagues (2004) discuss the systematic reviewing of literature in their article “A process for systematically reviewing the literature: providing the research evidence for public health nursing interventions.” The authors outlined that methodologies are necessary for the systematic literature reviews for the effectiveness of interventions in Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP). Such methodologies help in deriving research evidence that gives guidance and support in healthcare systems for public health services (Thomas et al., 2004). Besides, the authors indicated that four issues relate to systematic literature reviews and such include the process of systematic review of the literature, the development of qualitative assessment instrument, the results of the study and results of dissemination strategy that researchers use. In conclusion, the authors highlighted that researchers need to adapt the current methods of systematic literature reviews for the effectiveness to questions related to research, the development of critical ideas as well as dissemination of information (Thomas et al., 2004).
The systematic article review of Thomas and colleagues in 2004 is essential as it provides an overview of the existing evidence pertinent to a formulated research question. Thus, the researchers use pre-specified and standardized methods for identification and appraisal of the relevant research concerning the topic. Moreover, the authors follow the steps for systematic review process which include the formulation of the question, search, and retrieval of the literature, establishment of relevance criteria, and assessment of relevant studies for the methodological quality, extraction of data and synthesis and report writing among others.
Study 3
Reviewing literature requires socially responsible sourcing (SRS) research based on theoretical context. The SRS gives the upstream social issues within the sustainability literature. Thus, Zorzini et al. (2015) noted issues such as human rights, community development, and ethical matters excluding the environmental concerns as some of the critical areas that researchers need to delve into when delivering quality SRS in the literature review. Hence, the author selected different articles for literature review basing their selection on the research content with a focus on the use of pre-existing theories. The researchers recommended a need for the use of theory within an ascending order as a typology in basing comments and arguments when discussing literature review. Thus, researchers need to factor in theory dressing, theory matching, and theory suggesting and theory expansion when developing literature reviews (Zorzini et al., 2015).
The above article is essential as it explicitly elaborates the importance of theory when developing a literature review. Thus, the researchers noted the importance of including the application of theory to help readers and professionals understand the research content concerning its authenticity. Besides the paper is original and of high value as it focuses on social issues SRS giving a greater depth of discussion on the social issues regarding reviewing literature. Moreover, the article is of authority with reputable authors such as Marta Zorzini from the Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School in Lancaster University.
Study 4
Webster & Watson (2002) in their article “Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing a literature review” noted the importance of reviewing prior, relevant literature in academic projects. Thus, such useful reviews develop the best foundation for advancing knowledge as well as facilitating theoretical development, closes areas with many researches exist and unveil areas that future research would give new information. Moreover, the authors in their field of Information System (IS) realized little theory-based informational articles and recommended a review of literature based on the theory that helps in the conceptualization of research areas and surveys as well as the synthesis of prior research. Thus, the analysis of the article provides an essential input in setting the direction for future research endeavors (Webster & Watson, 2002).
The article is relevant to the current phenomenon of reviewing literature based on theory. Webster & Watson (2002) indicate the lack of theoretical progress in the IS field with most of the existing theories placed on the hierarchy of ad hoc classification mechanism to taxonomies, to the conceptual framework, to theoretical systems and formal theories. Nevertheless, the article reveals the few endeavors regarding the development of papers devoted to reviewing journals due to the complexity of assembling the review in an interdisciplinary field as well as the field being young among others.
Study 5
The article gives guidance for the development of theoretical-based literature review using the five-stage process. Wolfswinkel et al. (2013) use the Grounded Theory method for rigorous analysis of a given study. The authors indicate that grounded theory assures solid and legitimize in-depth analysis of empirical facts and related insights of a review. Such insights include the emergence of new themes, opportunities, and issues, interrelationships, and dependencies or beyond a given field of study and the available inconsistencies. Therefore, the authors recommend meticulous use of grounded theory in reviewing the literature to get integrated and fruitful reviews based on theory which further enrich many fields in the social science (Wolfswinkel et al., 2013).
The present article is authoritative with well-known authors such as Joost F., Wolfswinkel who is a research associate at the Department of Information Systems & Change Management in University of Twente. Anothor author is Elfi Furtmueller, an assistant professor at the Department of Information Systems & Change Management at the University of Twente and Celeste PM Wilderom who is a full Professor in Management & Organizational Behavior in the Private and the Public Sector at the University of Twente. Moreover, the article is current with its publication in 2013 and has non-biased simple and informative English language for the readers. Lastly, the article is essential due to its focus on the use of grounded theory in reviewing literature.
Study 6
 Onions (2006) mentioned that inductive methods in the literature review are essential as they use grounded theory and ending with the hypothesis. Thus, the author indicates that the use of grounded theory encourages the use of a comparator for the emerging theory hence a contemporary thought in an area may develop on the basis of grounded theory method in the review of the literature.
The article on “Grounded theory applications in reviewing knowledge management literature” is vital due to its emphasis on the use of theory for the development of hypothesis in the current study. Moreover, the author informs readers that information readers validate information with evidence that has a theoretical basis (Onions (2006).
Study 7
Rourke, Schmidt & Garga (2010) in their “Theory-based research of high fidelity simulation use in nursing education: A review of the literature” explored the extent to which theory-based research informs the understanding of high-fidelity simulation use in nursing education. The authors reviewed primary literary sources in Cumulative Index of Nursing and Applied Health Literature (CINAHL) and the Proquest Dissertation as well as Theses for empirical reports. Thereafter, the authors recommended that theory-based research in the development of literature reviews bring coherency and external validity of a research study (Rourke et al., 2010).
The informative article contains current information as it was published in 2010 and relevant since it highlights the importance of the use of theoretical-based review of literature in studies that bring about coherency. Moreover, the article is authoritative with well-known authors who use non-biased and straightforward language to reach the target audiences.
Study 8
Dunne (2011) affirms the benefits of using grounded theory in the development of the literature review as a research methodology. The author draws his conclusion from the personal experience and elaborates the importance of reconciling different perspective on how and when to engage the grounded theory as a research methodology in the reviewing of literature. Dunne concludes that reviewing literature becomes qualitative with support when researchers employ grounded theory as the basis of defining the rationale of the research as it gives the best ways to fill the gaps of the existing information.
Study 9
The article elaborates survey and evaluation of scientific research on evidence-based healthcare design and extracts the implication of such for the design of the best and safe hospitals. The authors link the experimental study design of hospital physical environment with the healthcare outcomes. Thus, the researchers followed an extensive search for ex...
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