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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Operational Plan for the Provision of Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

Essay Instructions:

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Your instructor will assign you to work on one of the following three projects. Refer to the "CLC Resources" document for specific information about your project subject.

Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)

Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

Community Health Program (CHP)

Each CLC group will create a business plan for their assigned project.

The CLC Business Plan will contain the sections and components common to typical business plan models. The specific needs of each project will determine the appropriate model to use. Whichever model you choose, include:

Description of product or service

Business and industry profile

Marketing components

Financial information

Operational plan

I am only responsible for "Operational Plan"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Plan

The operational plan highlights the processes related to the provision of services.
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) are cost-effective solution when properly implemented and needs assessed. The EMR needs integrated in the workplace after determining what fits the budget and workflow of clinical practice, where the selected hardware and software then meet the EMR requirements besides selecting the most appropriate EMR systems (Ford et al., 2015). There is also focus on ensuring compatibility with the existing system sand staff attained to use the system to achieve the set objective.
The needs assessment considers the benefits of EMR selection and integration and utilizing the current EMR technology will help to maintaining and access the records as required. Different stakeholders would be involved as they are the EMR users. The feedback from the internal, external and interface stakeholders on their beliefs about the EMR system is crucial to educating other participants. There is assessment of the staffing, resources and technology needs to support readiness assessment.
Another important step is readiness assessment to ensure that the institution is ready to integrate the EMR system and people are willing to embrace changes. Sometimes there are issues in procuring and implementing the system in th...
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