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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Implementation Plan: Target Area and Population

Essay Instructions:

HCM 490 Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: In this milestone, you will submit the implementation plan for your project.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Phase II—Implementation A. Implementation Plan: Provide a comprehensive plan for implementation that includes the following: i. Target area or intended population and established goals ii. The timeline and implementation milestones of the initiative iii. Financial impact of the initiative, including any necessary capital expenditures, necessary fundraising, or potential financial benefits iv. Resources needed to effectively implement the initiative, including staffing, equipment, technology needs, and so forth v. Compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan vi. Potential ethical challenges and formulated plans for monitoring behavior, practices, procedures, and so forth

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Implementation Plan Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Implementation Plan The implementation plan for this project focuses on defining the target population and area, resources, compliance with the federal and state regulations and so forth. For successful and effective delivery of care, healthcare institutions must understand the environment they are operating and they must respond to any changes within that environment. Target Area and Population Eastern Colorado has been designated as a medically Underserved Area (MUA). This implies that there are insufficient primary care providers to serve the area. This fact becomes true when you move into the rural areas of the corridor. Lincoln Community Hospital is the only primary care provider along the I-70 corridor all the way to E-470 and Burlington. Rural communities such as Bennet, Kiowa, Karval and Simla depend on Lincoln Community Hospital for primary care. Timeline The plan is expected to become operational in one year so that it can be able to provide healthcare services to the underserved and uninsured. Moreover, the future of the mobile health clinics will be evaluated. There are various activities that need to be accomplished and will be found in the operational plan. H...
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