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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Importance of Health Equity and Hindrances

Essay Instructions:

Explain why health equity is important to the health of a population/country/world e.g racism, low income, poor housing, access to transportation and healthy food, SES( Social economic status). Explain each point and show how they these inequalities end up creating disparities that negatively affect the health of a population either in a country or globally. Provide examples to back up each point.

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Health Equity
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Health equity is generally defined as the “absence of avoidable, unfair, or remediable differences among groups of people” (World Health Organization, n.d.). This is regardless of race, age, gender, and any other type of arbitrary social stratification conceived by humans. However, the definition posted above was only in the ideal sense. In reality, these kinds of social stratification and circumstances prevent the full realization of health equity around the world. Some of these equities are described below.
Hindrances to Health Equity
As of today, one of the most apparent causes of health inequity is low income. This is because hospital bills are continually increasing in prices, which makes those who cannot afford them vulnerable to risks of illnesses and diseases that need treatment. This is not yet including those medical treatments that need thousands of dollars to undertake. Another problem that is still present today is racism. Although time and efforts of millions have sought to remove racial discrimination altogether, reports have said that racis...
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