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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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My Integral Role in Strengthening the Healthcare System

Essay Instructions:

Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.
You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.
Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. You may use the "Scholarly Activity Summary" resource to help guide this assignment.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scholarly Activity
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
While in the BSN program, I learned how to play my integral role in strengthening the healthcare system. The previous month, I had a chance to attend a seminar held by the quality improvement committee of the nursing school. The purpose of this seminar was to create awareness among nursing students about the value of healthcare equipment and medications in the lives of patients. During this seminar, the nurses were encouraged to behave nicely with patients and their families while continuing providing them with the best treatment. It is a common observation that doctors, nurses and other medical professionals treat patients rudely and ignore them when their families and friends ask a number of questions related to the health and wellbeing of patients. The target market of this seminar was nurses who were being prepared for a challenging tomorrow and were asked to learn the basic manners of life. The benefit of this activity was that I learned various new things, such as I got to know why it is essential for a nurse to ensure the privacy of patients and to behave with them and their family members politely (Gardenier et al. 2017). I do not like the nurses who treat patients arrogantly, as they are already suffering from a physical or mental problem, and with such behavior, their interest in life may get lost, and they may not show signs of quick recovery.
The purpose of this scholarly activity was to make nursing students understand that they would have to cooperate with patients and their family members, and in case of an emergency, they should be ready to plan and provide immediate care and need not behave rudely with anybody. The head of the quality improvement committee emphasized the need to do some research so that nurses could promote, maintain and restore health and ensure safety and privacy in nursing practice. The main problem is that nurses are given so many tasks to accomplish and are urged to work for long hours, which is why they sometimes get tired and begin treating patients and their families arrogantly and badly. In case of an emergency, a nurse should not get confused and can instead discuss matters with a senior nurse or another medical professional. I strongly believe that scholarly activities ...
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