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Food Security: Global Population

Essay Instructions:

DUE by TUESDAY 3/12. This is a 2-3 page essay that discusses the readings of your chosen week and suggests another reading that compliments or challenges the ideas expressed by the syllabus readings. This reading must come from an academic journal or publication, or a reputable media

Outlet such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, Buzzfeed News, etc. Your essay should briefly summarizes the main argument and subjects of the syllabus readings and your new article, and explains how the new article either compliments or challenges the syllabus readings. You will upload both your essay and the new article (or a working link to it in the body of the essay).


Lee, Richard Phillip. “The politics of international agri-food policy: discourses of trade-oriented food

security and food sovereignty.” Environmental Politics, 2013. Vol. 22, No. 2: pp. 216 – 234.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Food Security Name Institutional Affiliation Food Security The growing global population is getting increasingly harder to feed. Mitigation of hunger, as well as obesity, is also becoming a challenge for the world. As a result of these challenges, food security has gained more attention as a domain of policy. During the post-war period, agricultural production was aimed at ensuring national-sufficiency in the North. However, the emergence of highly integrated global food supply chains has disrupted the traditional order, leading to a trade-oriented approach towards food security. Similar trends have been observed in the South leading to a rise in agricultural exports to service the Northern retail markets. T...
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