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Family Tree and How it Should Shape Health Decisions

Essay Instructions:

I am going to submit my family tree and I need to write about my family's health issue. I will attach my family tree and with the health issues and the page with instructions on the page. Also I forgot to add hypertension for my sister that has Lupus.

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Discussion: Family Tree
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Discussion: Family Tree
Given that genetic factors play a significant role in the development of disease, a family tree can provide information on one’s risk factors and develop the potential adjustment that can enhance one’s health (Kaplanis et al., 2018). In the following discussion, I review my family tree and how it should shape my health decisions.
Risk Factors
Two health risk factors that emerge from my construction of the family tree are diabetes and stroke. Diabetes describes a chronic condition characterized by dysregulation of blood sugar levels (Xie, Chan, & Ma, 2018). My uncle has diabetes indicating the likelihood that I may develop the disease as diabetes has been shown to have a significant hereditary component especially type 2 diabetes. Stroke describes a medical condition that arises from brain disruption either as a result of bleeding or blockage (Boehme, Esenwa, & Elkind, 2017). My paternal grandmother and one of my sisters have a stroke, indicating the likelihood that there are genetic components to the development of stroke.
Effect of Risk on Health
Notably, the effect of stroke on health is largely dependent on the severity and the location of the disease. A stroke can cause brain damage, lead to long-term disability, and in some cases be fatal to an individual. In addition, to cognitive impairments associated with the disease, there is a likelihood that stroke could lead to emotional and behavioral changes such as anxiety and depression (Boehme, Esenwa, & Elkind, 2017).
Diabetes increases the likelihood that one may develop cardiovascular problems such as stroke and heart disease. Diabetes also damages other body systems such as the kidneys, the eyes, the feet, and the nerves in the body (Xie, Chan, & Ma, 2018).
Modification of Diet
To lower the likelihood of stroke, my diet will be modified to increase my intake of high fiber and nutrients that lower my cholesterol levels. To this end, I will increase my consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in my diet (Boehme, Esenwa, & Elkind, 2017). In addition, I will reduce my salt consumption, alcohol, consumption, and consumption of...
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