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Family Health Assessment

Essay Instructions:
i) Select your family or a family of your choice to complete a family assessment. ii) Before interviewing the family, develop open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the 11 functional health patterns: Values, health perception, nutrition, sleep/rest, elimination, activity/exercise, cognitive/perception, self-perception, role relationship, sexuality, and coping. iii) After interviewing the family, compile the data and write a 1000-1250 word paper analyzing the family assessment. Include the following: (1) Briefly summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for your family. (2) Record two or more wellness and family nursing diagnoses that you identified about your family based on your assessment. (3) Record family health promotion strategies along with community and web-based resources that will enable you to support or fulfill your wellness diagnoses. (4) How did using the systems theory guide (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, chap. 7) you in assessing your family? iv) Refer to Family Health Assessment Grading Rubric v) Use standard paper format in APA style, including an introduction, conclusion, and title page. An abstract is not required. Cite in-text and in the References section. Also use standard APA style for the references vi) Here are some references to work with: Edelman, C., & Mandle, C. L. (2006). Health promotion throughout the life span (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Ejaz, F., Straker, J., & Swami, S. (2003). Developing a satisfaction survey for families of Ohio's nursing home residents. The Gerontologists, 43(4), 447-458. Gordon, M. (1994). Nursing diagnosis: Process and application (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. University of North Texas. (n.d.). Center for parent education. Retrieved November 30, 2007, from http://www(dot)unt(dot)edu/cpe/module2/thrybase.htm Vetere, A. (2001). Structural family therapy. Child Psychology and Psychiatry Review, 6(3), 133-139.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
In the outskirts of an urban setting we encountered a family of eight. In their humble abode were a mother, father and six children. They said that the wellness of a person rests on a number of factors; among the factors is the health status that does command the rating of healthy living that is also necessitated by the environment one lives in (Edelman & Mandle, 2006). Environment stands to say a lot as to the health of people, for it involves proper housing, food, clothing, education and health (Center for parent education, 2007). At the proper provision of the named necessities there are fewer threats of diseases and poverty. In the interview we found that they expected to live longer and better than their predecessors. Unlike in the past, these days there is information accessed easily locally and even over the website which has made it easier to locate places that provide varieties of foodstuff that constitute a complete meal, movement of goods has on the other hand made scarce food available due good road network. They talked of eating timely meals as recommended by nutrition experts, the family eats together too, and also drinks clean treated water from sunken wells which they say wasn’t accessible but rather that of running rivers that wasn’t clean and had multiple uses like bathing and other domestic use. Water is well put in use. Availability of proper food and eating habits has actualized the inexistence of malnutrition thus their body’s ability to resist disease. In comparison to days when unhealthy living was practiced (Vetere, 2001), there is recorded better and normal visit to nature calls. This response is done from designated and available places constructed for it. They did show us pit latrine that is well sited in appropriate position in the compound. Timely response with the need of nature call has made inexistency of digestive, urinary and skin diseases. Healthy living has propelled them to carry out their day to day activities with much ease. Their indicators are active functioning of the body that now gets recreational engagements which has led to energized family bonds as they find ample time to interact. These exercises too have freed them of cardio-respiratory system or muscle-skeletal system diseases that were rampart. One other aspect they bare in mind is the quick response against ailments. This family knows where and when to get proper medical care by virtue of them being informed. This group exercised good regard of every one of its member. The young and old alike had respect for each other. This surely enhanced their bond and sharing of issues that affected them. One pointed out where he had to sacrifice by deferring class for a year to allow payment of his younger brothers’ medical fees. This was done since they all hold that every one of them should be given chance to pursue and finish primary education that is fundamental for all. A healthy family acknowledges without discrimination the special need of its members and handles the case with proper attention. Discriminative practices are not in this family as they accepted their diverse abilities vested in individuals. The assessed kin showed alertness of being informed on the locations of virtually every special need center that would cater for specific needs in the unit if need be. One such response and attention was meted to a new born boy that suffered eyesight defects. This defect was detected early enough and taken to opticians for rectification and treatment. All this was done without panic or segregation. Each and everyone are taught to understand others thus respect in the family irrespective of age. Parents and the older members in that family do meet educational needs of their members and guiding always where needs rise. From individual members we learnt the exercising of common practices as religion which solely binds them in relations. They do hold the same prayer item together as a family; it was also evident that the whole family went to the same place of worship that professes the same faith and belief that had the same doctrine. In cases where one of them was showing signs of not understanding and or applying the professed faith, the whole fami...
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