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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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GMP and Extemporaneous Compounding. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

I am going to send you an essay type opinion (mine). I need it to be an opinion only no references, I need you to change my essay into something less? Nothing fancy just put it into simple words from what you will read. Keep in mind that OPC and NAPRA have guidelines for compounding in Ontario, Canada. I feel because the industry is not regulated per say in this regard that the onus is on the pharmacist to be ethical, knowledgeable, and skilled. The bottom line is that no person shall be put in jeopardy because a pharmacist didn't follow GMP or had QA and QS in place. I am sending the answers in a PDF file, the copy of the teacher's notes, and my formal essay. Apparently it can't be formal. I am sending the copy of the assignment. Only do Part A part B is done, 1 page summary is all. When reading PDF just pay attention to the page numbers I mention at the bottom page of "my opinion". I can't write this without referring to the written work of scholars, the assignment is dumb.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Good manufacturing practice guidelines are principles which are applied during the testing of drugs and dosage levels. These guidelines check for any problems throughout the process – even including packaging materials. GMP is focused on patient care because that is where the problems are – inattention to detail can be very detrimental to overall patient health and wellbeing.
In any pharmacy, it is the job of the pharmacist to ensure that the process for medicine is carried out both effectively and efficiently. They are responsible for the preparations of compounds, and this applies to every aspect of the process: quality, stability, bio-availability, efficacy, and (above all) safety. Challenges that the pharmacist will face include needing to always create a uniform dosage of ...
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