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HIT policy. Health Information Technology. Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Legislative efforts in health care often build on one another. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) of 2009 is a prime example of how one piece of legislation further clarifies a previous one. HITECH enhances many of the security and privacy provisions of the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). However, privacy and security are not the only concerns of health information technology policy. HITECH incentivizes the adoption of electronic health record systems and outlines standards for meaningful use. Though laws like HITECH and HIPAA are on the books, to what extent do they actually impact the quality of patient care?

This week you focus on the impact of the HITECH legislation and consider how the incentives and meaningful use criteria impact health care.

In order for organizations to receive the incentives offered through the HITECH legislation, they must be able to demonstrate that they are using the technology in meaningful ways. The following criteria for meaningful use must be evident to qualify for EHR incentives (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). The technology must:

Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, and reduce health disparities

Engage patients and families

Improve care coordination

Improve population and public health

Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health information

For this Discussion you consider the impact of the meaningful use criteria of the HITECH legislation on the adoption of health information technology.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on the HITECH legislation and its primary goals.

Reflect on the positive and negative impact this legislation has had on your organization or one with which you are familiar.

Consider the incentives to encourage the use of EHRs. Focus on the definition of meaningful use and how it is measured.

Reflect on how the incentives and meaningful use impact the quality of patient care.

Find an article in the Walden Library dealing with one of the criteria to qualify for meaningful use and how it has been successfully met.

Post a description of how HITECH legislation has positively or negatively impacted your organization. Address how its related incentives influence the adoption of health information technology in health care and impact the quality of patient care. Provide a summary of the article you identified and explain how it demonstrates the ability of health information technology to meet the requirements of meaningful use. Please have 1 full page of information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Information Technology
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Professor’s name
The Impacts of Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)
In my facility, there are positive impacts which can be related to Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act. By embracing the use of Electronic Health Record System, the facility has been able to use automated array entry for prescription orders, uphold an accurate problem record of active and current diagnoses. The facility has been able to make available electronic print of health data to patients when they request.
The hospital is in a position to provide essential medical information electronically among health care providers and staff. The EHR system has helped the organization to come up with ways of incorporating lab tests outcome as structured data into the EHR System. It has been helpful in my organization by allowing us to provide summary care records for transitions in referrals or care.
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