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Practice Project: Paper on Diabetes

Essay Instructions:

Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children. In a paper of 750-1,000 words, summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. Research must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and the nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin. NB. Please as I have made this new order being suggested by you, I will want the writer to carefully look at the instructions of the Professor I sent to you. The submission date is tomorrow and that is why it is a 24hr order. I will not want any problems on it please. The question has to be answered according to the Professor's instruction. I will send the instructions through the support team. The writers should look at the this question critically before answering it as what the Professor is asking for is in the question. Thanks. I am sending the Professor's instructions to you again to guide you in answering this question. Below are the instructions: " Final Assignment Hello everyone, this week’s assignment is to identify a research article about an intervention or diagnostic tool as it relates to nursing practice. THIS SHOULD NOT BE FROM A WEB SITE IT MUST BE A RESEARCH ARTICLE. In the paper summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. Research MUST include CLINICAL FINDINGS that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and the nursing practice. This is your final assignment in this course and my expectations are that you will use all the comments from your previous assignments when writing this paper. I expect your best work. My comments and ideas given in your previous papers will be my guide in grading your final paper. I expect to see growth in all areas. For the paper I need to see an introduction that gives the reader an idea of what you will be discussion. I expect to see some headings to introduce each section, be sure to pay attention to the length of your paragraphs, and that each paragraph to not contain too many different ideas. I also need to see a conclusion to your paper. This is a simple idea of what your paper should like---Be sure to address all areas of the rubric. All citation in the paper should be address in your reference list and all articles in the reference list should be cited in the paper. Introduction------- Introduce your topic to the reader Summary of Research – summarize who conducted the research, where it was conducted and who were the participants. Clinical Findings_______ what did they find in the research Significance of the intervention or tool to diabetes and the practice of nursing. How will this research help diabetes and nursing Conclusion--------- References" PLEASE FOLLOW THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS IN ANSWERING THE QUESTION. PLEASE I THINK IT HAS TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THE LAST ORDER. Thanks.

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Evidence-Based Practice Project Paper on Diabetes
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Evidence-Based Practice Project Paper on Diabetes
The existence of two types of diabetes, type I and type II has made diabetes a significant health concern in the world. Although the incidence of diabetes is increasing among the adults, there has been little progress on the pathophysiology, management and possible treatment of diabetes (Bowen, & Rothman, 2010). Therefore, medical experts have only come up with evidence-based treatment interventions in an effort to manage diabetes.
Among the interventions recommended for the treatment of diabetes in adults, include adherence to blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol control (Hood et al., 2010). Of importance is the eating habits of adults, and as such, the American Diabetes Association recommended a standardized nutritional plan, which healthcare providers are to develop for adult patients (Evert, & Boucher, 2014).
However, evidence further comments that diabetes treatment-interventions assume that compliance with such therapies, including others, can result to control of glucose to achieve normal levels. In the same context, although there is such an assumption, there is evidence that, adherence to the recommended management interventions can achieve normal glucose levels. A study by Rojas, and Gomes (2013), however, recommends that, although Metformin is an old treatment approach in diabetes, it is the best.
Summary of the Research
Rojas and Gomes (2013) provide empirical information on metformin as a treatment intervention for diabetes. The authors recognize that the management of diabetes needs a comprehensive treatment intervention to realize glycemic and cardiovascular risk factor objectives. Certainly, other recommended treatment approaches, such as nutritional therapy are effective, but, metformin, which is an old approach, is effective in treating diabetes. Metformin has received support, not only because of its anti-hyperglycemic characteristics, but also for its efficacy in controlling and improving homeostasis, insulin resistance and fat redistribution among others. The characteristics have shown to reduce the pervasive cardiovascular effects.
The author’s identify empirical studies, conducted in variety of settings, mainly those that employed random control trials in a variety of settings. The procedures used in the study are experimental, and includes the use of a control and experimental group. As such, the studies reviewed provided empirical evidence on the efficacy of metformin. For example, the study by Yang, Li and Qi (2001), used an Indian sample. Findings from the study reveal that emergence of other anti-diabetic drugs calls for the need to assess the role of metformin as an initial treatment intervention, including when there is a combination of the newer drugs and metformin (Rojas, & Gomes, 2013).
Other identified treatment interventions, such as glucose control, proper eating habits among others, helped in managing diabetes. Similarly, standards of living and pharmacological interventions greatly decreased the incidence of diabetes in adults. Evidence reporting on the efficacy of metformin in the treatment of diabetes comes from a trial conducted by The Diabetes Prevention Program. In fact, the evidence revealed that, a comb...
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