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Evaluation Plan and Criteria for Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal

Essay Instructions:

In 750-1,000 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project proposal.

Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise:

Discuss the expected outcomes for your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Review the various data collection tools associated with your selected research design and select one data collection tool that would be effective for your research design. Explain how this tool is valid, reliable, and applicable.

Select a statistical test for your project and explain why it is best suited for the tool you choose.

Describe what methods you will apply to your data collection tool and how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the tool you selected.

Propose strategies that will be taken if outcomes do not provide positive or expected results.

Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.

You are required to cite a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluation Plan
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes should be evaluated from each step of the process of implementation of the project proposal. The setting is expected to be conducted at the emergency department of two tertiary hospitals. The hospital selection depends on the number of patients, the study design’s applicability, and the hospital administration’s consent.
The potential subjects are patients with the primary symptoms of acute bronchitis, including productive or unproductive cough and associated symptoms of sore throat, wheezing upon lung auscultation, sneezing, and others. Moreover, the participants are expected to be excluded when presenting symptoms or when they have been diagnosed with pneumonia based on imaging results (Sing et al., 2021).
It will be challenging to choose the participants secondary to the age limitation and the number of patients who go to the emergency departments of the two hospitals. Polit & Beck (2020) stated that the attrition rate might also be intermediate to high if the study’s duration elapses. The limited number of participants and possible intermediate to high attrition rate can be reduced by the expected use of a statistical test 3to treat results that will increase the power of the study. It is also projected to have difficulty gathering enough resources due to possible financial constraints and reduced human resources. However, the strategies to reduce the impact of these issues may significantly help alleviate the circumstance.
The expected outcome of the results will be varied and highly based on the effects of early use of antibiotics in patients with acute bronchitis. The study challenges the current knowledge that the disease must be managed conservatively with supportive treatment (Kinkade & Long, 2016). Therefore, the possibility of having the same or different result is still questionable, and this will depend on many factors, including the number of participants, the differences in their demographics, comorbidities, and the severity of their condition.
Review of Data Collection Tools
The study will utilize a single type of data collection tool: a questionnaire. Taherdoost (2016) is one of the excellent methods to collect data from quantitative research, but the questionnaire’s validity, reliability, and internal consistency must be verified to ensure its applicability to the research. The study shall utilize the Bronchitis Severity Scale, McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire, and a close-ended interview constructed by the researchers.
The most effective is the Bronchitis Severity Scale (BSS). This covers the five primary symptoms of acute bronchitis, including coughing, difficulty breathing, crackles, chest pain, and sputum production, and utilizes a 5-point Likert scale (Yoon et al., 2020; Pouwels et al., 2019). Careddu & Pettenazzo (2018) stated that this is a useful clinical tool in monitoring acute bronchitis in children. Its applicability has been discussed by Lehrl et al. (2014), but the publication is quite outdated. There are no other research papers published within the last five years that examined the validity and reliability of the BSS. Lehrl et al. (2014) stated that BSS has high content validity, which shows that the items measure the representativeness of the construct, and high construct validity, which increases up to 68.5%. The latter demonstrates that the items are consistent with the theoretical concepts related to the questionnaire. Lastly, it also has high concurrent validity, which shows that the items have a high correlation with the current knowledge on acute bronchitis. Cur...
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