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Developing an Action Plan

Essay Instructions:

Developing an Action Plan
In Modules 1-4, you conducted a needs assessment and designed a school- or community-based initiative to identify resources for a change initiative in health and wellness. In this application assignment, you will finalize an action plan for the change initiative and submit your action plan.
View/Download the Action Plan Template Download Action Plan Template(DOC) for use in this assignment.
Create a Word document for your response.
Use APA format.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Follow the steps to complete the assignment.
Continue to work on the health need identified in Module 1.
Step 1. Design an action plan to be implemented or shared with stakeholders addressing the development of the plan you proposed in Module 4.
Download the action plan template (linked above) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
You may modify the template to fit the particular health and need and resources gap you identified.
Step 2. Write a 1-page introduction describing your plan in narrative format. Follow APA format for citations. Include a References page in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing an Action Plan (Final)
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
The short-term objective of the action plan is to instill adequate nutrition knowledge to enable adolescents to make better and informed food choices. The priority areas will include schools proximal to fast-food restaurants, towns, and cities. Priority will also be given to people who have had a history of illness due to poor food choices and those already diagnosed with the diseases. The project is estimated to educate and counsel at least five thousand per month, translating to sixty thousand adolescents every year. The long-term objective entails reducing the number of adolescents, young people, and school-going children with diabetes, hypertension, overweight, and obesity. This will be an annual indicator to assess the project’s progress (Bodai et al., 2018). The objective will have been met by reducing the number of people with these lifestyle diseases every year. The sector involved in the annual goal includes the ministry of health and its departments, administrative departments, financial partners, and the media and technology department.
The activities involved include nutrition screening and assessments, diagnosis and classification, nutrition education and specified counseling, and monitoring and evaluation. Nutrition screening and assessment will be done to gain the nutrition status of the adolescents (Marventano et al., 2018). Diagnosis will then be formed from the results of the assessment and screening. Following nutrition diagnosis, a collaborative strategy that involves nutrition education on better food choices will be conducted. Regular monitoring and evaluation will be carried out to determine the strategy’s progress. Adjustments and improvements will be done and applied where necessary.
Action Plan
Project Period Objective

Description of the Objective

Priority Area

To instill substantial knowledge on healthy food choices among adolescents and young people.

The aim of nutrition education as a collaborative strategy will be to train young people on the importance and benefits of healthy foo...
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