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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Epidemiological methods Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please find below the topics for your week 2 discussion.

Topics: (US Data Should be Used)

Screening - Week 2: Genetic Testing: Colon, Prostate, Breast Cancer

I choose Breast Cancer

Discussion - Epidemiological Methods

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This discussion board content is intended to facilitate learning for students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice.

The use of discussions provides students with opportunities to contribute graduate level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The ebb and flow of a discussion is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship.

Participation in the discussion generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. Discussions foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Discriminate among various screening tools that may be used in the provision of care as an Advanced Practice Nurse (CO4)

Due Date: 

Initial prompt due by Wednesday, 11:59 PM MT of week 2

One peer and one faculty or two peer posts due by Sunday 11:59 PM MT of week 2

A 10% late penalty will be imposed for initial discussions posted after the weekly deadline regardless of the number of days late. No postings will be accepted after 11:59pm MT on Sunday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0). Week 8 discussion closes on Saturday at 11:59pm MT.

Points: 60 points

Assignment Requirements

Your course faculty will supply you with a list of topics. Choose one of the topics to use for Week 2 Discussion Board.

Next, choose a diagnostic or screening method (related to your choice from the list of health issues above).  You may use one of the following web sites to locate a screening tool, a scholarly article, or a tool from a professional web site of your choice (for example, from the American Psychological Association).

U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

SAMHSA-HRSA (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Reply to the following prompt:

Describe the diagnostic or screening tool selected, its purpose, and what age group it targets.

Has it been specifically tested in this age group?

Next, discuss the predictive ability of the test. For instance, how do you know the test is reliable and valid? What are the reliability and validity values? What are the predictive values? Is it sensitive to measure what it has been developed to measure, for instance, HIV, or depression in older adults, or Lyme disease? Would you integrate this tool into your advanced practice based on the information you have read about the test, why or why not?

You should include a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles from the last five (5) years (3 is recommended).

Respond to a minimum of two (2) individuals, peer and/or faculty, with a scholarly and reflective post of a minimum of two (2) paragraphs of 4-5 sentences. A minimum of one (1) scholarly article should be utilized to support the post in addition to your textbook.

Your work should have in-text citations integrating at a minimum one scholarly article and the course textbook. APA format should be utilized to include a reference list. Correct grammar, spelling, and APA should be adhered to when writing, work should be scholarly without personalization or first - person use.

Need assistance? Click here for the Week 2 FAQ document (Links to an external site.)  that discusses these terms.

Posting Directions

Posts should be made on a minimum of 3 separate days/dates.

All faculty replies to students must be responded to directly in the discussion board.

Minimum posting is:

Initial discussion board post to the weekly prompt, two peer posts (if there are no faculty postings), or one peer post and a faculty post.

**To see view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric.









The student actively stimulates and sustains inquiry by making reflective insightful comments, asking thoughtful questions and/or engaging in a scholarly discussion.

The student expresses a clear idea of the topic under discussion and sustains inquiry in order to explore relevant issues.

The student recognizes values or values conflict as things that form the assumption basis of arguments and recognizes when it is important to acknowledge these values.

The student recognizes the accuracy, logic, relevance, or clarity of statements.

The student asks clarifying questions and knows when clarifying questions need to be asked.

The student distinguishes fact from opinion.




All components of discussion prompt addressed (met) in initial posting.

The student’s writing conveys an understanding of significant ideas relevant to the issue under discussion. This is indicated by integration of course and weekly objectives, as well as readings from text and articles.

All posts should make correct use of terminology, precise selection of the pieces of information required to make a point, correct and appropriate use of examples and counterexamples, demonstrations of which distinctions are important to make, and explanations that are concise and to the point.

Information and knowledge are accurate.

The student elaborates statements with accurate explanations, reasons, or evidence from the course and/or weekly objectives.

All postings integrate scholarly sources to support points consistently.

Interactive Dialogue



Responds to ideas in a way that advances discussion with engagement, depth, rigor, and application.

Interacts with a professional tone and is able to express opinions with ownership and without judgement.

Chooses to include professional experience to the discussion board mindful of appropriateness and boundaries. Experience is integrated as it supports the discussion board topic and utilizes scholarly references to support overall topic.



Total CONTENT Points= 43 pts









In text citations are formatted per APA current ed.

Reference list is formatted per APA current ed.

Spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone are per APA current ed.

Spelling / Grammar etc.



Posts should utilize correct spelling and grammar (sentence structure and avoidance of slang or casual language) .



Total FORMAT Points=17 pts




Essay Sample Content Preview:
Genetic Screening of Breast Cancer
Institution Affiliation:
Genetic Screening of Breast Cancer
Mammography entails the passing of an X-ray through a breast to produce a digital recording plate. The analysis of the digital plate by radiologist helps in screening the presence or absence of breast cancer. Therefore, this essay attempts to explain the various aspects of mammography, such as purpose, target age group, specific testing within the age group, predictive ability, reliability and validity measures and values and view on future advanced practice.
The primary purpose of mammography is to screen women who have an average risk of having breast cancer. Besides, through mammography, malignant tumors usually unfelt by hand becomes identified and also investigates breast lumps. On the other hand, according to the National Cancer Institute in the USA, Mammography should get performed in women aged 40 years and above after every 1-2 years, while biennial for women aged between 50-74 years (Sarma, 2015). The screening method targets postmenopausal women since they do not have dense breast tissue as younger girls. Equally, postmenopausal women's breasts show a dark spot on imaging since, as breasts age, it usually turns into fat. However, pre-menopausal breast tissues have white breast tissue similar to breast imaging color hence invisible.
According to specific research conducted by testing 1681 women aged between 41-75 years, it became apparent that adherence to mammography systematic screening depends on age and income. High- income earners adhered more to the medication than low-income earners. However, irrespective of income, an elevation of a 5% increase in adherence as one year's age increased (Gathirua-Mwangi et al., 2018). Therefore, it can reveal that as females ages, they develop a tendency to follow and attend to doctors' appointments for systematic routine mammography screening.
The mammograph screening has low predictive ability due to the high percentage of either false positive or negative outcomes. As a result, a female has to undergo a biopsy test to confirm the mammography test results. ...
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