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Healthcare Reformation

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Health Reforms
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Health Reforms
Healthcare is a vital element in society necessary for the whole community's well-being and prosperity, particularly evident by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of nations worldwide recognize the importance of good health to better their economy by ensuring population growth through adequate hospital-based facilities and operations. Furthermore, individual states attempt to provide coverage and protection for those who cannot afford these services.
There have been efforts to ensure people continue to receive sufficient and equal medical services by cushioning their financial burdens that accompany the treatments. The United States has particularly been adamant in assuring affordable healthcare for people by carrying out health reforms. America has done this through the Patient Protection and Affordable Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2010; however, President Trump has criticized the law and has endeavored to substitute and repeal it.
Individuals continue to live in debt that they have accumulated throughout their lives through college loans, and mortgages and America continue to increase its debt burden. Many hospitals overspend but cannot afford the large amount of used funds, making the situation harmful for families and states (Warren, 2017). Despite many legislations, the country has not limited the costs that hospitals incur; thus, it is difficult to retain a trusted physician while a lot of funds are still under or uninsured.
Therefore, there should be an implementation of cost-containment measures, which will necessitate a careful examination of funds' utilization to prevent nurses and doctors from incurring care costs without compensation. Furthermore, there is uncertainty about whether there are no great returns on healthcare investment, which should not be the main basis for administering treatment in hospitals (Warren, 2017). The government should ensure that there is no disparity between the provision of medical help and the economic feature of different practitioners' services.
Some individuals are lucky enough and cruise throughout their lives without facing a life-threatening disease such as cancer or injuries, which require costly medical attention. The treatment of such injuries and illnesses results in very high hospital bills, which lead to hospitals barring them from accessing healthcare services, particularly operations. The practitioners are also placed at a corner as policymakers dictate; they should administer their services only after meeting a certain bare minimum fee.
The majority of such people are the middle-class and poverty-stricken citizens, who cannot pay the full high costs of comprehensive treatments. The government should lay out financial protection and me...
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