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Body Building 4-Week Program

Essay Instructions:

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.

This week's assignment:

Design a four-week training program with the intention of maximizing muscle hypertrophy. The program should also include recommendations for aerobic training and flexibility training. When designing your program, consider how you will include aerobic training into your program without causing interference to muscle hypertrophy adaptations. Your program should include the following:

A warm up and cool down for each training day

A four-week training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc.

A detailed explanation outlining why you made your specific recommendations and how they will lead to maximal muscle hypertrophy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Bodybuilding 4-Week Program
Student’s Name
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Bodybuilding 4-Week Program
The bodybuilding program that focuses on strength and hypertrophy should be effective and evidenced-based training. Strength reflects a sustained display of controlled force when performing a specific action. At the same time, hypertrophy represents muscle growth and expansion due to muscle protein synthesis that exceeds muscle protein breakdown leading to positive net protein balance in cumulative periods (Krzysztofik, Wilk, Wojdała, & Gołaś, 2019). One of the critical factors of consideration is training frequency. Training frequency defines how often a specific muscle is subjected to training rather than how often one frequents the gym. Thus, the splitting of training on specific muscles or groups of muscles into frequent training sessions would yield more hypertrophic results. Effective hypertrophy-focused resistance training is comprised of mechanical tension and metabolic stress. To enhanced muscle strength and hypertrophy, bodybuilders should be engaged in a periodized program that permits specific muscle(s) to train 2-3 times in a week with a total of between 4-6 workouts per week with 6-12 sets targeted on each muscle. There should be 1.5-3 minutes of inter-set rest time. A rest period of not less than 48 hours should be implemented within a week. Such a routine will allow optimal protein synthesis throughout the week due to consistent stress and damage to the muscle for growth. Equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, suspension trainers, kettlebells, and bodyweight offers mobility and training exercises on body muscles.
4-Week Training Program
Week 1

Targeted Muscles




Inter-set resting time/cooling
Warming exercise to be done preceding each work out day.

Day 1

Abdominal and leg muscles, including
traps, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, triceps, and deltoids.

Barbell complexes

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip. Pull it a deadlift, then press hips forward and throw the weight up into an overhead press style grip.
Use compound exercise
Do not drop the bar
start with an empty bar and add weights progressively

Do 5-7 exercises per complex, each consisting of 5-8 repetitions

Do not rest between the exercises
Rest between 1-3 minutes between the sets but do not exceed four sets and 15 minutes of total duration.

Day 2

Rest day

Day 3

Chest and Triceps:
Pectoral muscles, deltoids, and triceps.

Bench Press
Overhead Press

Either from a bench or the floor, lie under a barbell and grasp it with both hands, about shoulder-width apart.
Lower the bar by dropping the arms while flexing the chest. Let the bar
touch your chest or hover just above it, and then press the barbell back up so that the arms are fully extended.
Grab a barbell from a rack or the floor and bring it to the chest using the arms while holding the bar and also being bent, along with palms facing outwards

do 6-12 repetitions, with sets between 4-6
Do 6-12 repetitions, with sets between 4-6

Rest between 1-3 minutes between the sets

Day 4


backward sled drags
Forward sled drags
Lateral sled drags

Lean back and pull with arms straight while facing the sled
walk forward, taking large steps while maintaining an upright posture and facing away from the weight
This exercise is performed while attaching the weight to the sled.

Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets
Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets
Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets

Rest between 1 to 3 minutes between each set

Day 5

Rest day

Day 6

Back and Biceps

Farmers work
Tire flip

The farmer's work exercise is implemented using dumbbells
Do tire flips

20-50 yards,2-4 sets
do 5- 8 tire flips with 2-4 sets

Rest 1-3 minutes between each set

Day 7

Rest day

Week 2

Day 1

Abdominal and leg muscles, including
traps, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, triceps, and deltoids

Barbell complexes

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip. Pull it a deadlift, then press hips forward and throw the weight up into an overhead press style grip.
Use compound exercise
Do not drop the bar
start with an empty bar and add weights progressively

Do 5-7 exercises per complex, each consisting of 5-8 repetitions

Do not rest between the exercises
Rest between 1-3 minutes between the sets but do not exceed four sets and 15 minutes of total duration.

Day 2

Back and Biceps

Farmers work
Tire flip

The farmer's work exercise is implemented using dumbbells
Do tire flips

20-50 yards,2-4 sets
do 5- 8 tire flips with 2-4 sets

Rest 1-3 minutes between each set

Day 3


Day 4


backward sled drags
Forward sled drags
Lateral sled drags

Lean back and pull with arms straight while facing the sled
walk forward, taking large steps while maintaining an upright posture and facing away from the weight
This exercise is performed while attaching the weight to the sled.

Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets
Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets
Perform 20-40 yards, with 2-6 sets

Rest b...
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