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Effective Managers and Leaders

Essay Instructions:

Use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

Instruction what to write as listed below:

1. Characteristics of effective managers and leaders

2. Rationale, identifying specific characteristics

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effective Managers and Leaders Author Name Institution Affiliation What are the characteristics of effective managers and leaders? Effective leaders and managers are the intellect and power of their organizations. Unlike other people working in a company, a leader or manager knows when and how to seize opportunities, how to rally the team to work hard and how to achieve the company’s goals in a short time (White, 2018). Some of the major characteristics of effective leaders and managers are as follow. 1. They know how to manage themselves It can be difficult to manage the entire team of a person does not know how to manage himself. The first characteristic of an effective manager or leader is that he knows how to maintain a balance between his personal life and professional life (2017). If you want to become a successful manager or an effective leader, then it is your duty to work hard, to manage yourself, to stay awake the whole night if there is an emergency, and to take the responsibility of achieving the company’s goals in a better way. Effective leaders and managers are also aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are always ready to take challenges alone. 2. They act strategically Effective leaders and managers are open-minded and have a forward-thinking. It means they observe things around them keenly, put their six senses to work and act strategically in order to ensure the success and prosperity of their organizations. 3. They possess great communication skills Without proper communication with the team members or customers, it may not be possible for a leader or manager to meet the targets. Thus, they act as effective communicators and do not hesitate to share their ideas and thoughts. In the mean...
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