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Effective Leaders: Ethical leadership

Essay Instructions:

Use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

Instruction what to write as listed below:

1. Effective leaders

2. Define the differences between ethical, moral, and legal leadership.

3. Identify a timely issue/dilemma that requires you to perform the leadership role of moral agent or advocate improving a situation

4. Describe your role as a moral agent or advocate for this specific issue.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effective Leaders Author Name Institution Affiliation A lot of research and time have been put into identifying the characteristics of an effective leader. According to J. Chris White, an effective leader is the person who is capable of taking challenges, can perform perfectly even when he is put under constant pressure and is able to bring the team to a single platform where success and prosperity are guaranteed (White, 2018). Businesses of all types and sizes require their leaders to be effective, cooperative and result-oriented. Such a person first proves his worth by understanding the mentality of the company’s employees and clients. Then he formulates a plan that can ensure customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. The last and one of the most important things and an effective leader does is that he selects people based on their qualifications, skills, and experience and do not take discrimination into account while making some official decisions. Only effective leaders are capable of bringing organizations out of bad times, as they know how to develop and implement great strategies and how to defeat the competitors in today’s competitive environment. They are ready to work day and night and can be found encouraging their team members to work harder in order to achieve success in the long run and to target more and more potential customers worldwide. Ethical leadership is a unique form of leadership that is directed by respect for religious beliefs and ethical values (Tarigan, 2014). It means those who believe in this style of leadership take their ethical values or religious beliefs into consideration while making personal or professional decisions. For example, if a Muslim nurse works in a western hospital, she may practice ethical leadership while providing care or medications to the patients (Garrett & Camper, 2015). Thus, ethical leadership is related to concepts like honesty, charisma, fairness, and trust. On the other hand, moral leadership is all about knowing the difference between right and wrong or good and bad. Those who believe in moral authority know what they should demand from others, what their limits are and what they need to do in order to inspire people around them. Moral leaders encourage their teams to be loyal and honest; at the same time, they do not forget the mission and purpose of their organizations. Legal leadership is another unique style of leadership that involves taking legal actions and obeying laws. Lawyers and judges have always ...
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