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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Independent and Dependent Variables on an Evidence-Based Practice Project

Essay Instructions:

Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?

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Independent and Dependent Variables
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Independent and Dependent Variables
1.0. Introduction
Every research, including the evidence-based practice (EBP), is based on two types of variables, which are dependent and independent variables. This paper provides an overview and rationale for the dependent and independent variables intended to be used in the current research. The dependent variable is the variable that is measured and tested in a specific research protocol, whereas the independent variable is the one which can be controlled or changed during the research for the assessment of the influence of a dependent variable.
2.0. Discussion
The assessment of EBP research must be emphasized on the definite variables which are dependent on the individual need concerned with the health care researches’ aim. The dependent variables may include the awareness developed by the registered nurses towards the continual professional development program. Furthermore, the extent of education, skill development, improved proficiency, and positive health outcomes can also be included in the dependent variables.
On the other hand, few significant variables can be predicted on the basis of nature of participants included in the research. For instance, in this research, the participants will be registered nurses working in the health care setting. Therefore, their gender, age, the experience of working in the organization, geographical location, and marital status of the registered nurses will be regarded as potential variables. All these variable may influence the perceptions of the registered nurses towards achieving continual education, such as the marital status or family responsibilities may hinder their participation in the continuous professional development programs.
Furthermore, the age and experience also matter in t...
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