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Dietary Fat Requirements

Essay Instructions:

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. This section should be at least 200 words.

What is the AMDR for fat in the diet?

What was your perception of dietary fat before reading this week’s resources?

How has your perception changed?

Below is a sample one-day menu for Mrs. Smith. Her doctor just told her she is at risk for developing heart disease since her cholesterol is a little high. The doctor has asked her to meet with a registered dietitian to learn more about heart-healthy fats to include and which unhealthy fats to avoid. She hopes to meet with a dietitian next week, but in the meantime, she needs help making these changes.

List five suggestions for Mrs. Smith’s diet. Provide only changes that address the goals with her meal planning as mentioned above. Tell her which food she should omit and with what you would replace it. You may also change portion sizes. Highlight (yellow only please) or bold the item you are changing and then write the change next to that. You may make more than five changes, but if you do, you will only receive full credit when all changes correctly match the assigned directions.


8 oz. whole milk

8 oz. orange juice

2 fried eggs (fried in butter)

2 slices sourdough toast with 1 tablespoon butter


1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich: 1 slice white bread, 1 tablespoon Skippy peanut butter, 1 tablespoon grape jelly


8 oz. cream of tomato soup

1 oz. potato chips

1 sandwich: 2 oz. turkey, 1 oz. salami, 2 slices white bread, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise

8 oz. grape juice


6 oz. fruited yogurt, sweetened, whole milk


5 oz. dark meat chicken, fried

1 medium baked potato with 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon sour cream, and 1 tablespoon bacon, chopped

1/2 cup cooked broccoli with 1 tablespoon butter

8 oz. cola

4 oz. whole milk


1/2 cup chocolate ice cream

Please read attachment "Intro to Nutrition 1st" Pg 233-332

Please read below links

https://ods(dot)od(dot)nih(dot)gov/HealthInformation/Dietary_Reference_Intakes.aspx http://extension(dot)colostate(dot)edu/topic-areas/nutrition-food-safety-health/vegetarian-diets-9-324/



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Meal Planning For Lipids
Student’s Name
Meal Planning for Lipids
Dietary Fat Requirements
In terms of guidelines by the American recommended Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), the fat intake should be between 20-35 percent for the sum of dietary calories for individuals aged 19 years and above. This proportion remains the same for both genders. However, more fat is needed at a young age.
Perception before the Readings
Before the class reading, my perception of dietary fat was analogous to the popular belief that pits fats entirely harmful to the body. A rapid change of perception in the society regarding healthy meals and skewed information from inexperienced nutritionists is mostly to blame for this misconception. However, much blame could be shifted to an unexplainable proliferation of lifestyle-related conditions in society today. The world grapples with multiple incurable lifestyles and dietary conditions such as heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, and other autoimmune conditions for whose cause is difficult to decipher. Today, foods with a higher volume of fats suffered wholesome rejection. The problem was exacerbated by ignorance of the difference between cholesterol and fats. The perception has also been consistent with recent dietary promotion advice that emphasized low-fat meals.
Change in Perception
The reading has led to a change in perception of the significance of fats in the human body. Primarily, it is now vividly clear that fats are not all bad. This change ...
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