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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:

Depression page 1 and 2

One of the issues patients who face a drawn out illness or an extend hospital stay deal with is a tendency to become depressed. How does a patient’s age influence the way in which depression can manifest? How does the nurse’s role differ when working with patients with depression based on the clinical setting? Please answer the following:

1-Describe depression-related problems that patients may have. If you have worked or are currently working in patient care, you may choose to describe problems that you have actually encountered.

2-Find an article in the professional nursing literature in the Walden Library that provides strategies that might help patients with depression in your work setting.

3-Share the reference and discuss at least two nursing interventions that BSN nurses could use to help patients with these problems.


Advocating For Patients

When treating a patient with a suspicious injury or illness, what is the level of responsibility a nurse has in advocating for that patient? What if there is the possibility of substance abuse or domestic violence? How would these factors affect the patient’s treatment? What are the ethical dilemmas apparent in dealing with patient’s suffering from more than just illness? How would you handle the situation? Please answer the following:

1-What are some ways in which nurses in your work setting could fulfill their legal and ethical responsibility to advocate for patients with suspicious injuries or illnesses?

2-What are the major challenges to nurses meeting that responsibility, and what are some strategies that BSN nurses could use to help their colleagues overcome those challenges?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation;
Depression remains a common illness that affects anyone in the contemporary society today. It has been determined that anyone can suffer depression as a result of mental disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, and other medical conditions. Age has the capacity to influence the manner in which depression can manifest since many of the old people who suffer this malady experience issues with loss, approaching mortality, illnesses that can lead to this illness (Mosaku, & Ukpong, 2009). Their loss of privacy and independence, feelings of loneliness and isolation, the lack of better care, the ever present thoughts of deaths and grief are also identified as some of the common risk factors as to why old people are most likely to suffer depression.
Nurse’s roles in dealing with patients with depression may vary according to a hospitals setting since there main responsibility lies in ensuring that a patient recovers from the illness or accepts and comes to terms with it and lead an informed life. These nurses have the sole responsibilities of talking to the patients and planning with the patients on the best treatment plan (Mosaku, & Ukpong, 2009). They also have the role of building relations with the ill patients in order to build some level of trust and to respond to the depressed patients in a manner that is not threatening. The nurses are supposed to spend three quarters of their time with these patients in order to help them in the recovery process.
Describe Depression-Related Problems
The erectile dysfunction remains a depressive chronic illness that is increasingly growing with negative effects on the lives of patients as well as their spouses. It has been determined through studies that the male related issues of erectile dysfunction and its symptoms are related to depression (Mosaku, & Ukpong, 2009). It is therefore important to mention that depression has the capacity to increase erectile dysfunction or on the other side erectile dysfunction can result in a state of depression. Men in most cases show high incidences with this form of depression, a factor that affects their lives.
Strategies of Helping Patients with ER Dysfunction Depression
Erectile dysfunctions that occur as a result of depression should be addressed sensitively with a tailored treatment approach that meets the needs and circumstances of an individual. The most significant approach in managing and helping such patients is by changing their behavioral practices that would in turn improve sexual techniques (Bocchio, Pelliccione, Mihalca, Ciociola, Necozione, Rossi, & Francavilla, 2009). The patients should also be taught on ways of reduci...
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