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Food Intake 3 Days

Essay Instructions:

Enter your food intake for 3 full days in iProfile by following the WileyPLUS® iProfile instructions. Save this information.

Click on the Access to iProfile link.

Write a 750 word paper that addresses the following points about your 3-day food intake:

Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids

Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which provide carbohydrates? Which provide lipids?

Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake compares with the recommendations of the dietary reference intake. If your recorded protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance?

Is the protein in each food you ate complete or incomplete, combining to become complementary? Why is this important?

How much of your daily recommended protein, carbohydrates, and lipid intake did you achieve? If your macronutrient intake is insufficient or excessive, what might you do to bring it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.

Macronutrient intake ranges

Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important? What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?

Fiber intake ranges

Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you, as calculated at iProfile?

Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups--fruits and vegetables--fell short of the recommended intake?

Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your meals? Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that might affect your fiber intakes.

Dietary modifications

What changes might you make to increase the fiber in your diet?

How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide examples.

What have you learned about your diet?

Cite three references other than the course text.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food Intake 3 Days
Macronutrient balance including carbohydrates, fats and proteins all contribute to the required energy intake. There is a risk of worsening health when there is an imbalance of macronutrients, while there is also a risk of impaired micronutrient intake. At the same time, too much intake of the macronutrients without adequate energy expenditure increases the risk of being overweight. Both the level of nutrients and calorie intake need to be taken into account when choosing a balanced diet that meets the body’s requirements.
Protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
The main sources of protein were meat consisted in the hamburgers, yogurt, Beef, hot dogs, eggs, nuts turkey salads, milk and beans. These were primarily animal-based products especially meat, and the highest concentration of protein nutrients. On the other hand, the main energy providing sources for the three days were the whole wheat bread, snacks and rice, with milk and carbohydrates also containing some carbohydrates. Additionally, the sources of lipids included the hamburgers, cheese, ice cream as well as the yogurt, while cooking with vegetable oil only provided minimal sources of lipids.
Review of Protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
The protein content was okay but it may be necessary to reduce the quantities of meat, and increase more of poultry, sea foods, nuts, seeds and soy. The carbohydrates level was also okay there was a higher level of refined grains that need to be reduced. On the other hand, the whole grains are at the target level, and there is no concern about their consumption. There is a higher level of lipids than is recommended because of solid fats from the animal-based products, but vegetable oils have no big impact on the lipids. The chicken and beef products and ice cream typically contain most of the solid fats. There is concern that the trans fats and saturated fats raise the LDL cholesterol blood level (DeBruyne & Pinna, 2013).
Proteins contain either essential or non-essential amino acids. The most necessary are the essential amino acids since they body does not make them. The nonessential amino acids are also from the diet but they are synthesized when needed. Complete proteins in turn contain all the essential amino acids and they include the animal products. On the other hand the incomplete proteins lack some of essential amino acids. As such, there is a need to add more proteins when the main sources o...
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