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A Cultural Assessment on the Movie “Home for the Holidays”

Essay Instructions:

A Cultural Assessment on the Movie
“Home for the Holidays”



View a movie of your choice from the list below. While watching the movie, assess the movie family’s characteristics and behaviors relative to the assessment criteria discussed in the class notes and textbook readings. Address each criterion including specific examples from the movie to validate your analysis. You must use references (textbook, class notes, others) and these must be cited throughout your paper. Submit your analysis in this document, typed using APA format. Limit is three (3) content pages.

Choose one of these movies:

Hotel Rowanda Under the Same Moon Home for the Holidays

Moonstruck Selena Bend It Like Beckham

Crash Snow Falling on Cedars Australia

The Help The Butler


• Explore cultural differences among families.


Cultural Assessment

Introduction is present and forecasts content of the paper.

Description of Movie Family

Comprehensive description

of family, including setting and

context of story

Family Processes

Complete and accurate assessment of the family’s culture and ethnic traits and how these influence the following:

• Sociocultural

• Environmental

• Communication

• Power/decision making

• Roles


• Clearly describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie

Socialization & Child Rearing

• Clearly describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.

Healthcare Beliefs and Practices

• Clearly depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.


Clearly shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations and stress.

Assessment of Development or

Functional Competency1

Comprehensive assessment of the family’s level of development or functional competency1 (Severely Disturbed, Borderline, Mid-range, Adequate, or Optimal)


Includes summary and conclusions

Format and Quality of Writing

Error-free or almost error-free grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA format, and length is within guidelines

¹ Use the Beavers Systems Model for this overall determination of the family’s level of development or functional competency.


Description of Movie Family

Assessment of Culture and Ethnic Traits

Assessment of Development or Functional Competency


Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Cultural Assessment on the Movie
“Home for the Holidays”
07 June 2018
This research paper exemplifies the Sociocultural, Environmental, Communication, Power and Decision-making strategies and roles of the family through the critical analysis of the movie Home for the Holidays. Likewise, the family values which describes the process of child-rearing and socialization, healthcare benefits and practices, modes of adaptation of families shown in the movie are discussed thoroughly in the subsections of this paper. This movie analysis is subdivided into different parts in order to explain the comprehensive assessment of the family’s level of development and functional competency referring to Severely Disturbed, Borderline, Mid-range, Adequate, or Optimal characteristics behavior. A short summary of the film is also elucidated to give the reader an understanding of the background of the movie and what it portrays.  
Description of the Family Movie
The movie depicts the different characteristics of the members of the family and how they handle the varying stressors that affect them. The plethora of characteristics enunciating the differences between each character emerged in the scenes of the film and how in the midst of divergent characters and self-attributes, they are able to set aside their disagreements to act in unison and experience being a family. A scene in the movie shows the father hosing down a brother and a brother-in-law to break up the fight which ensued amongst them. The movie which is a mixed of both comedy and drama narrates how a Family thanksgiving is celebrated by this specific characters.

Assessment of Culture and Ethnic Traits
As stated in the movie by Joanne played by Cynthia Stevenson that “We don’t have to like each other, Jo. We’re family” (Vanderwerff T., 2017). United States is liberated in terms of homosexuality and divergent behavior that supersedes the normal family set-up. Tommy was a homosexual in the family, it was neither questioned nor mocked. The family just accepted him and his behavior thinking that all of them have their own faults and imperfections. Ethnicity also affects cultural behavior. Race and foreign locations aside from America have their own set of value traits. These are principles lived by and followed by the family units to maintain peace and order. These traits help each family member to distinguish between right and wrong.
The Sociocultural connection within the film shows that independence and acceptance of taboo behavior and personality traits are usually accepted in the United States not because it is not immoral but to avoid conflict and to help the family member get back on track instead of losing their way. Such as in the situation of Tommy. The whole family would rather be silent about Tommy’s homosexuality tha...
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