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SLP 2. Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment

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Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment

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Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment
Institutional Affiliation
Organization Behavior, Structure, and Assessment
Organizational structure and design plays a critical role in establishing the degree to which the organization can be efficient in the delivery of healthcare services. In essence, the way in which an organization is designed will directly influence the way it is run as well as how effectively its employees will perform (Borkowski, 2016). This is the exact case in the healthcare sector, where organizational structure is vital to success. Insofar as traditional organizational design is concerned, there are three main types which are simple, functional, and divisional design.
Simple organizational design is almost self-explanatory. It is a simple structure where the organization typically has one main leader who is in charge of almost everything. In this design, the leader is also often the proprietor, who has a few individuals working underneath him. These workers report directly to the leader and as such, the leader is in full control of every aspect of the organization (Fitzgerald & Harvey, 2015). In the healthcare sector, facilities that tend to adopt a simple organizational design comprise of small rural facilities or small private consultation clinics. In such organizations, the tasks leader takes charge of all aspects, with only a few other workers to help him or her out.
The functional organizational design is a little more complex and intricate compared to the simple design. In an organization with a functional design, the organization is basically divided into smaller groups that are tasked with handling specific functional aspects or areas within the organization (Borkowski, 2016). In the case of healthcare, some of the common departments include admission and discharge, finance, compliance, and even the laboratory department to name a few. In this way, the organization is able to undertake a vast majority of tasks and provide numerous services with great ease (Palumbo, 2016). In this structure, every department has a leader responsible for managing it, who ultimately reports to the overall leader within the facility. A hospital is a great example of a healthcare facility with a functional organizational design. The various departments, as ...
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