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Conceptual Nursing Models and Theory Paper

Essay Instructions:
Please make sure you read and follow it. Also I'm a nurse working at hospital.Paper need 3 peer reviews references of 5years old.Prefer from 2009.Also read all the assigned chapters before writing the paper.Also attach my select topics for model and theory. Thanks. NUR 4828 Foundations of Nursing Healthcare Leadership & Management NURSING MODELS and THEORIES PAPER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to (a) demonstrate their knowledge of contemporary nursing knowledge related to Nursing Models and Theories and (b) further the development of writing skills including application of APA Style formatting rules. APA formatting is required for all papers in the course. It is expected that correct APA citation and reference formatting will be used for this paper and the individual rubric denote the value of APA formatting for this assignment. The body of the paper should be no longer than 3 pages maximum. This page limit does not include the title or the reference pages. This Nursing Models and Theories Paper constitutes 10% of your grade for this course and is worth 10 points. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: Reading: 1. The reading content for this assignment is based from: Fawcett, J. & DeSanto-Madeya, S. (2013). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. The PDFs for all of the reading assignments from this text can be found on the Content Page in Module 1 and are also attached under the assignment link. 2. Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya. Chapter 1 introduces conceptual models of nursing and nursing theories and Chapter 2 discusses strategies to implement conceptual models of nursing and nursing theories into practice. 3. Read Chapter 3 of Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya. Chapter 3 introduces conceptual models of nursing and presents a framework for analysis and evaluation. 4. The seven (7) most widely recognized nursing conceptual models are: Johnson, King, Levine, Neuman, Orem, Rogers and Roy. The introduction pages for each of the models, which contains a brief description and key terms of the identified model, are attached under the assignment link and also can be found on the Content Page in Module 1. The attachments are intended to provide the student with a brief overview to help in the determination what model may be interesting to select. Once the selection is done, more details will need to be researched about the model in order to write this section of the paper. 5. Read Chapter 11 of Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya. Chapter 11 introduces nursing theories and presents a framework for analysis and evaluation. 6. The five (5) most widely recognized nursing theories are: Neuman, Parse, Orlando, Peplau and Watson. The introduction pages for each of the theories, which contains a brief description and the key terms of the identified theory, are attached under the assignment link and also can be found on the Content Page in Module 1. The attachments are intended to provide the student with a brief overview to help in the determination what theory may be interesting to select. Once the selection is done, more details will need to be researched about the model in order to write this section of the paper. Writing: 1. The writing content for incorporates three distinct parts. A. Select one of the seven conceptual models of nursing identified above and briefly describe the model, why you selected it, and the application of the model to nursing practice B. Select one of the five nursing theories identified above and briefly describe the theory, why you selected it, and the application of the model to nursing practice. C. Critically analyze the utility and value of (or lack there of) conceptual models of nursing and nursing theories knowledge as it pertains to contemporary nursing practice. 2. The body of the paper should be no longer than 3 pages maximum. This page limit does not include the title or the reference page(s). 3. Headings are required to be used in the body of the paper for this assignment. See page 62 (sections 3.02 & 3.03) in the APA Manual for specific reference information. 4. A minimum of three (3) evidence-based references required for this assignment. Suggested Format and Headings (underlined below): Title Page Introduction Body I. Selected conceptual model of nursing (Level 1 heading) A. Descriptions of model (Level 2 heading) B. Why model was selected (Level 2 heading) C. Application of the model to nursing practice (Level 2 heading) II. Selected nursing theory (Level 1 heading) A. Descriptions of theory (Level 2 heading) B. Why theory was selected (Level 2 heading) C. Application of the theory to nursing practice (Level 2 heading) III. A. Critical Analysis (Level 1 heading) Summary References (Minimum of Three evidence-based references required)
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Conceptual Nursing Models and Theory Paper
Course Title:
Conceptual Nursing Models and Theory Paper
1.0 Introduction
Conceptual nursing models are based on models or theories that guide the nurses effectively toward the patient care`s goal. A conceptual model is defined as a set of general and abstract propositions and concepts (Rogers & Keller, 2009). The most widely recognized nursing conceptual models are: Johnson, King, Levine, Neuman, Orem, Rogers and Roy. However, each of the several branches of nursing prefers disparate nursing models. For instance, the Psychiatric nursing prefer Roy`s model while in the adult nursing, Orem`s model is the most conceptual model. These nursing models offer the nurses the foundation to perceiving the patient`s situation, organizing data as well as interpreting or analyzing information. Moreover, the models enable the nurses to understand the manner in which the nurses` roles and actions are interrelated. On the other hand there are several nursing theories that are relevant to the nursing practice. Among these theories is Watson`s Caring Theory which depicts caring as a science. The theory focuses on the caring relationships among humans as well as the deep life experiences. The theory, postulates that nursing should be centered on assisting the patient to achieve higher level of harmony within the soul, body and mind. The theory has been extensively utilized in nursing practice in the healthcare setting.
2.0 Roy`s Adaptation Model
According to Shosha & Kalaldeh (2012), Roy`s adaptation model (RAM) is among the most imperative conceptual frameworks aimed at guiding the nursing practice, directing research as well as influencing education. RAM`s key concept of interest is adaptation. Jayasree (2013) describes adaptation as the outcome and process in which feeling and thinking individuals utilize conscious awareness in creating integration between perception and the environment. Roy`s model depicts a person as the bio-psychosocial being with the ability of adapting to the environmental stimuli which is categorized as residual, focal or contextual (Rogers & Keller, 2009). The focal stimuli are that which immediately confronts an individual. The other factors contributing to the focal stimuli are regarded to be contextual stimuli. The unknown environmental factors that are capable of influencing the situation are referred to as residual stimuli. Adaptation can be manifested through four behavioral modes that are interrelated, namely, role function, physiological interdependence modes and self-concept.
The responses of the individuals to the environmental change depend on the individuals` coping processes. According to Roy`s model, coping processes are categorized into two: cognator and regulator. In the regulator subsystem, persons respond to their environmental stimuli automatically through physiological, innate processes (Shosha & Kalaldeh, 2012). These processes are chemical, neutral as well as endocrine channels, among others. On the other hand, cognitive subsystems respond via the four emotional cognitive channels. These channels are: judgment, emotion, learning, and information processing and personal perception.
2.1 Why Roy Model was selected
I chose to critically analyze Roy`s adaptation model due to the fact that it is the most imperative conceptual frameworks aimed at guiding the nursing practice, directing research as well as influencing education. RAM`s key concept of interest is adaptation. The study of this model has enabled me to better understand the manner in which individuals adapt to their environmental stimuli: residual, focal or contextual. Moreover, Roy`s model has a wide applicability in the nursing process, a fact that intrigued me to research and write about the theory.
2.2 Application of Roy`s Adaptation Model to Nursing Practice
Based on Roy`s adaptation model, nursing activities entails the assessment of stimuli and behaviors influencing adaptation. Nursing judgment is done on the basis of the assessment conducted prior to the anticipation of any intervention to managing the stimuli in a systematic manner (Shosha & Kalaldeh, 2012). The nurses are actually in a key position in ensuring whether the adaptive objectives have been achieved or not. Nursing goal enhances groups and individuals adaptations in every adaptive mode. Therefore, the nursing goal contributes to the pro...
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