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Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: Personal and professional accountability Career planning Personal journey disciplines Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace. Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Combing Nurse Leader with Advocacy
Personal and professional accountability
Being a nurse has been the nicest experience that I have ever had. I can attest that my professional growth is directly related to nursing. One of the aspects I have learnt in nursing is accountability. This is one of the pillars in growing in a nursing career. Perhaps, I have grown strongly in advocating for the rights of the workers and staying accountable for my actions. I consider it a strength that I can no longer sit down on a problem that can be addressed, regardless of whether it is on a personal of professional level. My weakness though, is the fact that I am no willing to let go the issues of other people as long as they need some advocacy. In some of the decisions that I make, I am able to do the right thing on the basis of who I am accountable to so that I know who to consult when dealing with personal matters and professional matters (Kelly & Tazbir, 2014). 
Career planning
Planning my career as a nurse has never been an easy task considering that advocacy is natural in me, however I have been fair in striking a balance between what to prioritize and what not to. My strength in this case has been the way I have managed to create time to progress my nursing career. My weakness however, is the fact that, whatever people think the order of doing things, is what I have defied. For instance, I had to put on hold the plans to establish a family in order to proceed with my career. Few of my colleagues took it in a positive manner. In fact, the level of learning I have reached so far, and the skills that I have acquainted myself with, will give anyone an insight of how my career planning has been realistic. Most of the accomplishments have been met within the time frames I set out for them.
Personal journey
The story of my life has been a journey that can never be told in a day, however, in a nutshell, my parents who sacrificed to pay for my time to study were a struggling couple who sought after chores in cotton farms to fend for us. My commitment and the desire not to want to disappoint became my yardstick in my studies and when I graduated in the O levels, I met the grade that deserved a scholarship. This made a total overhaul in me. It was a sigh of relief for most of the family members when it became apparent that I was being sponsored for further learning. When I opened up to the world, I appreciated what leaders were doing and grew leading small groups of student and today, leadership is part of me.
In nursing, there are various disciplines that make up the profession and for that reason it is upon everyone to be updated on every discipline that is mandatory. For instance, becoming aware of legal req...
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