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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Studt Essay #2

Essay Instructions:

Assignment research question: Do physical activities and policies and support programs such as policies and rules improve or lower the risk factors of getting chronic diseases between 5 to 17 years old children in Columbia (Bristish)? Assignment 1. Use similar studies to guide your planned strategy for interpreting your own study's results. What type of results can you expect? Please include numeric results from similar studies/studies that served as models for your study. What do these results mean? 2. Discuss the limitations of your study and the difficulties most likely to arise if attempting to perform such a study and whether you think they could be overcome. Draft a 2 page discussion that responds to the specific questions that I have posed above.

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Course title:
In this research study, the research question is as follows: Do physical activities as well as policies and support programs such as policies and rules improve or lower the risk factors of getting chronic diseases between 5 to 17 years old children in British Columbia? It is of note that 10% to 20% of children aged between 5 years to 17 years have a chronic disease such as arthritis, eczema, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, as well as asthma (Walter et al., 2013). Children who have high blood pressure, are overweight, obese or physically inactive have a greater probability of getting chronic diseases. Children with obesity have a higher chance of having risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease among other serious illnesses (British Columbia Medical Association, 2013).
Earlier research studies have revealed that physical activities along with policies and support programs actually reduce/lower the risk factors of children aged 5 through 17 getting chronic illnesses. Research conducted by Flynn et al. (2006), revealed that engagement in physical activity is a crucial intervention in adolescents and children obesity prevention and reduction programmes. Healthy lifestyle habits such as physical activity and healthy eating could lower the risk of adolescents and children becoming obese and getting related diseases. Schools play an important role by establishing a supportive and safe environment with practices and policies which promote healthy behaviors. Moreover, they also offer opportunities for learners to learn about and practice physical activity as well as healthy eating. As a result of these support programs and policies, students are able to observe healthy lifestyles and thereby lower their chances of getting the risk factors for chronic illnesses. The physical activity and dietary behaviors of adolescents and children are influenced by a number of sectors of society such as childcare settings, the media, faith-based institutions, schools, entertainment industries, communities, the beverage and food industries, as well as families (Flynn e...
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