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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Changes In Healthcare Industry

Essay Instructions:

Describe three important factors that contribute to changes in the health care industry. Propose three strategies that health care leaders can employ to lead their learning organizations in today’s turbulent environment. Your initial post should be at least 300 words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Changes in Healthcare Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Change is an inevitable course across any industry and the health care system across the globe has seen numerous changes brought about by a significant number of factors in a bid to improve the quality and access of health care services. Three key drivers of change in the health care industry include technology, which is most certainly a significant contributor of change in virtually every other industry in the world (Kash et al., 2014). Important technological changes in the health care industry include changes with regard to electronic health record keeping, which has tremendously transformed access to health information and sharing of the same among professionals in the health care sector. Another key contributor to health care changes includes telemedicine. This essentially refers to the collaboration of different systems to exchange vital health care information in real time to provide health care services irrespective of the distance barriers CITATION Sam12 \l 1033 (Chreim, Williams, & Coller, 2012). This has made it easy for people living in remote areas to access health information as well as health care services and therefore improving lives. The third factor t...
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