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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Case Study on Anemia. Iron Deficiency Anemia Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please make sure the paper has introduction, body and conclusion. This situation describes a case of Iron Deficiency Anemia, based on signs and symptoms and lab values that mostly affect the Hemoglobin levels and red blood cells, the causal factors are the heavy menstrual periods ( menorrhagia) and the frequent use of aspirin to relief the symptoms which and anti platelets and increases the loss of blood.

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Iron Deficiency Anemia
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December 24, 2018
In the field of healthcare, providing an accurate and timely diagnosis is one of the most indispensable skills that practitioners should have. This increases the likelihood for treatment and decreases the likelihood for survival as some diseases gets worse over time. Consequently, one of the tools that enables practitioners to make develop their own diagnosis are the lab results taken from the patients. In this study, the author would try to form a diagnosis for the case of Ms. A. This would be based on the lab results and the patient’s descriptions of the symptoms that she experiences.
Upon consideration of Ms. A’s lab results and symptoms experienced, it becomes clear that what she is experiencing is what is called as an Iron Deficiency Anemia. Iron Deficiency Anemia is caused by the body’s lack of Iron, folate, and vitamin b12. This leads to a lower RBC count in the body, which is consistent with the lab result showing that Ms. A only has 3.1 x 10 mm, as compared to the normal values of 4.1 to 5.1 x 10/mm CITATION Frend \l 1033 (Freeborn & Haldeman-Englert, n.d.). Consequently, a lower RBC count means lack of hemoglobin in the blood stream, which is necessary for the body to circulate enough oxygen for its daily use. On the one hand, Ms. A said that she is sometimes experiencing (1) shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm, (2) fatigue experienced during strenuous activities, and (3) “Menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal” problems during menses. On the other hand, lab results would also show that Hemoglobin is only at 8g/dl, whi...
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